Saturday, June 20, 2009

Floppy disk

The invention: Inexpensive magnetic medium for storing and
moving computer data.
The people behind the invention:
Andrew D. Booth (1918- ), an English inventor who
developed paper disks as a storage medium
Reynold B. Johnson (1906-1998), a design engineer at IBM’s
research facility who oversaw development of magnetic disk
storage devices
Alan Shugart (1930- ), an engineer at IBM’s research
laboratory who first developed the floppy disk as a means of
mass storage for mainframe computers
First Tries
When the International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation
decided to concentrate on the development of computers for business
use in the 1950’s, it faced a problem that had troubled the earliest
computer designers: how to store data reliably and inexpensively.
In the early days of computers (the early 1940’s), a number of
ideas were tried. The English inventor Andrew D. Booth produced
spinning paper disks on which he stored data by means of punched
holes, only to abandon the idea because of the insurmountable engineering
problems he foresaw.
The next step was “punched” cards, an idea first used when the
French inventor Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented an automatic weaving
loom for which patterns were stored in pasteboard cards. The
idea was refined by the English mathematician and inventor Charles
Babbage for use in his “analytical engine,” an attempt to build a kind
of computing machine. Although it was simple and reliable, it was
not fast enough, nor did it store enough data, to be truly practical.
The Ampex Corporation demonstrated its first magnetic audiotape
recorder after World War II (1939-1945). Shortly after that, the
Binary Automatic Computer (BINAC) was introduced with a storage
device that appeared to be a large tape recorder. A more advanced machine, the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC),
used metal tape instead of plastic (plastic was easily stretched or
even broken). Unfortunately, metal tape was considerably heavier,
and its edges were razor-sharp and thus dangerous. Improvements
in plastic tape eventually produced sturdy media, and magnetic
tape became (and remains) a practical medium for storage of computer
Still later designs combined Booth’s spinning paper disks with
magnetic technology to produce rapidly rotating “drums.” Whereas
a tape might have to be fast-forwarded nearly to its end to locate a
specific piece of data, a drum rotating at speeds up to 12,500 revolutions
per minute (rpm) could retrieve data very quickly and
could store more than 1 million bits (or approximately 125 kilobytes)
of data.
In May, 1955, these drums evolved, under the direction of Reynold
B. Johnson, into IBM’s hard disk unit. The hard disk unit consisted
of fifty platters, each 2 feet in diameter, rotating at 1,200 rpm. Both
sides of the disk could be used to store information. When the operator
wished to access the disk, at his or her command a read/write
head was moved to the right disk and to the side of the disk that
held the desired data. The operator could then read data from or record
data onto the disk. To speed things even more, the next version
of the device, similar in design, employed one hundred read/write
heads—one for each of its fifty double-sided disks. The only remaining
disadvantage was its size, which earned IBM’s first commercial
unit the nickname “jukebox.”
The First Floppy
The floppy disk drive developed directly from hard disk technology.
It did not take shape until the late 1960’s under the direction of
Alan Shugart (it was announced by IBM as a ready product in 1970).
First created to help restart the operating systems of mainframe
computers that had gone dead, the floppy seemed in some ways to
be a step back, for it operated more slowly than a hard disk drive
and did not store as much data. Initially, it consisted of a single thin
plastic disk eight inches in diameter and was developed without the
protective envelope in which it is now universally encased. The addition of that jacket gave the floppy its single greatest advantage
over the hard disk: portability with reliability.
Another advantage soon became apparent: The floppy is resilient
to damage. In a hard disk drive, the read/write heads must
hover thousandths of a centimeter over the disk surface in order to
attain maximum performance. Should even a small particle of dust
get in the way, or should the drive unit be bumped too hard, the
head may “crash” into the surface of the disk and ruin its magnetic
coating; the result is a permanent loss of data. Because the floppy
operates with the read-write head in contact with the flexible plastic
disk surface, individual particles of dust or other contaminants are
not nearly as likely to cause disaster.
As a result of its advantages, the floppy disk was the logical
choice for mass storage in personal computers (PCs), which were
developed a few years after the floppy disk’s introduction. The
floppy is still an important storage device even though hard disk
drives for PCs have become less expensive. Moreover, manufacturers
continually are developing new floppy formats and new floppy
disks that can hold more data.Consequences
Personal computing would have developed very differently were
it not for the availability of inexpensive floppy disk drives. When
IBM introduced its PC in 1981, the machine provided as standard
equipment a connection for a cassette tape recorder as a storage device;
a floppy disk was only an option (though an option few did not
take). The awkwardness of tape drives—their slow speed and sequential
nature of storing data—presented clear obstacles to the acceptance
of the personal computer as a basic information tool. By
contrast, the floppy drive gives computer users relatively fast storage
at low cost.
Floppy disks provided more than merely economical data storage.
Since they are built to be removable (unlike hard drives), they
represented a basic means of transferring data between machines.
Indeed, prior to the popularization of local area networks (LANs),
the floppy was known as a “sneaker” network: One merely carried
the disk by foot to another computer.
Floppy disks were long the primary means of distributing new
software to users. Even the very flexible floppy showed itself to be
quite resilient to the wear and tear of postal delivery. Later, the 3.5-
inch disk improved upon the design of the original 8-inch and 5.25-
inch floppies by protecting the disk medium within a hard plastic
shell and by using a sliding metal door to protect the area where the
read/write heads contact the disk.
By the late 1990’s, floppy disks were giving way to new datastorage
media, particularly CD-ROMs—durable laser-encoded disks
that hold more than 700 megabytes of data. As the price of blank
CDs dropped dramatically, floppy disks tended to be used mainly
for short-term storage of small amounts of data. Floppy disks were
also being used less and less for data distribution and transfer, as
computer users turned increasingly to sending files via e-mail on
the Internet, and software providers made their products available
for downloading on Web sites.

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