Sunday, June 21, 2009

FM radio

The invention: A method of broadcasting radio signals by modulating
the frequency, rather than the amplitude, of radio waves,
FM radio greatly improved the quality of sound transmission.
The people behind the invention:
Edwin H. Armstrong (1890-1954), the inventor of FM radio
David Sarnoff (1891-1971), the founder of RCA
An Entirely New System
Because early radio broadcasts used amplitude modulation (AM)
to transmit their sounds, they were subject to a sizable amount of interference
and static. Since goodAMreception relies on the amount
of energy transmitted, energy sources in the atmosphere between
the station and the receiver can distort or weaken the original signal.
This is particularly irritating for the transmission of music.
Edwin H. Armstrong provided a solution to this technological
constraint. A graduate of Columbia University, Armstrong made a
significant contribution to the development of radio with his basic
inventions for circuits for AM receivers. (Indeed, the monies Armstrong
received from his earlier inventions financed the development
of the frequency modulation, or FM, system.) Armstrong was
one among many contributors to AM radio. For FM broadcasting,
however, Armstrong must be ranked as the most important inventor.
During the 1920’s, Armstrong established his own research laboratory
in Alpine, New Jersey, across the Hudson River from New
York City. With a small staff of dedicated assistants, he carried out
research on radio circuitry and systems for nearly three decades. At
that time, Armstrong also began to teach electrical engineering at
Columbia University.
From 1928 to 1933, Armstrong worked diligently at his private
laboratory at Columbia University to construct a working model of
an FM radio broadcasting system. With the primitive limitations
then imposed on the state of vacuum tube technology, a number of Armstrong’s experimental circuits required as many as one hundred
tubes. Between July, 1930, and January, 1933, Armstrong filed
four basic FM patent applications. All were granted simultaneously
on December 26, 1933.
Armstrong sought to perfectFMradio broadcasting, not to offer
radio listeners better musical reception but to create an entirely
new radio broadcasting system. On November 5, 1935, Armstrong
made his first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in New
York City to an audience of radio engineers. An amateur station
based in suburban Yonkers, New York, transmitted these first signals.
The scientific world began to consider the advantages and
disadvantages of Armstrong’s system; other laboratories began to
craft their own FM systems.
Corporate Conniving
Because Armstrong had no desire to become a manufacturer or
broadcaster, he approached David Sarnoff, head of the Radio Corporation
of America (RCA). As the owner of the top manufacturer
of radio sets and the top radio broadcasting network, Sarnoff was
interested in all advances of radio technology. Armstrong first demonstrated
FM radio broadcasting for Sarnoff in December, 1933.
This was followed by visits from RCA engineers, who were sufficiently
impressed to recommend to Sarnoff that the company conduct
field tests of the Armstrong system.
In 1934, Armstrong, with the cooperation of RCA, set up a test
transmitter at the top of the Empire State Building, sharing facilities
with the experimental RCAtelevision transmitter. From 1934 through
1935, tests were conducted using the Empire State facility, to mixed
reactions of RCA’s best engineers. AM radio broadcasting already
had a performance record of nearly two decades. The engineers
wondered if this new technology could replace something that had
worked so well.
This less-than-enthusiastic evaluation fueled the skepticism of
RCA lawyers and salespeople. RCA had too much invested in the
AM system, both as a leading manufacturer and as the dominant
owner of the major radio network of the time, the National Broadcasting
Company (NBC). Sarnoff was in no rush to adopt FM. To change systems would risk the millions of dollars RCAwas making
as America emerged from the Great Depression.
In 1935, Sarnoff advised Armstrong that RCA would cease any
further research and development activity in FM radio broadcasting.
(Still, engineers at RCA laboratories continued to work on FM
to protect the corporate patent position.) Sarnoff declared to the
press that his company would push the frontiers of broadcasting by
concentrating on research and development of radio with pictures,
that is, television. As a tangible sign, Sarnoff ordered that Armstrong’s
FM radio broadcasting tower be removed from the top of
the Empire State Building.
Armstrong was outraged. By the mid-1930’s, the development of
FM radio broadcasting had become a mission for Armstrong. For
the remainder of his life, Armstrong devoted his considerable talents
to the promotion of FM radio broadcasting.
After the break with Sarnoff, Armstrong proceeded with plans to
develop his own FM operation. Allied with two of RCA’s biggest
manufacturing competitors, Zenith and General Electric, Armstrong
pressed ahead. In June of 1936, at a Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) hearing, Armstrong proclaimed that FM broadcasting
was the only static-free, noise-free, and uniform system—both
day and night—available. He argued, correctly, thatAMradio broadcasting
had none of these qualities.
During World War II (1939-1945), Armstrong gave the military
permission to use FM with no compensation. That patriotic gesture
cost Armstrong millions of dollars when the military soon became
all FM. It did, however, expand interest in FM radio broadcasting.
World War II had provided a field test of equipment and use.
By the 1970’s, FM radio broadcasting had grown tremendously.
By 1972, one in three radio listeners tuned into an FM station some
time during the day. Advertisers began to use FM radio stations to
reach the young and affluent audiences that were turning to FM stations
in greater numbers.
By the late 1970’s, FM radio stations were outnumberingAMstations.
By 1980, nearly half of radio listeners tuned into FM stations on a regular basis. Adecade later, FM radio listening accounted for
more than two-thirds of audience time. Armstrong’s predictions
that listeners would prefer the clear, static-free sounds offered by
FM radio broadcasting had come to pass by the mid-1980’s, nearly
fifty years after Armstrong had commenced his struggle to make
FM radio broadcasting a part of commercial radio.

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