Saturday, September 29, 2012


The invention:

The first successful chemotherapeutic for the treatment
of syphilis

The people behind the invention:

Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), a German research physician and
Wilhelm von Waldeyer (1836-1921), a German anatomist
Friedrich von Frerichs (1819-1885), a German physician and
Sahachiro Hata (1872-1938), a Japanese physician and
Fritz Schaudinn (1871-1906), a German zoologist

The Great Pox

The ravages of syphilis on humankind are seldom discussed
openly. A disease that struck all varieties of people and was transmitted
by direct and usually sexual contact, syphilis was both
feared and reviled. Many segments of society across all national
boundaries were secure in their belief that syphilis was divine punishment
of the wicked for their evil ways.
It was not until 1903 that bacteriologists Élie Metchnikoff and
Pierre-Paul-Émile Roux demonstrated the transmittal of syphilis to
apes, ending the long-held belief that syphilis was exclusively a human
disease. The disease destroyed families, careers, and lives,
driving its infected victims mad, destroying the brain, or destroying
the cardiovascular system. It was methodical and slow, but in every
case, it killed with singular precision. There was no hope of a safe
and effective cure prior to the discovery of Salvarsan.
Prior to 1910, conventional treatment consisted principally of
mercury or, later, potassium iodide. Mercury, however, administered
in large doses, led to severe ulcerations of the tongue, jaws,
and palate. Swelling of the gums and loosening of the teeth resulted.
Dribbling saliva and the attending fetid odor also occurred. These
side effects of mercury treatment were so severe that many pre-

ferred to suffer the disease to the end rather than undergo the standard
cure. About 1906, Metchnikoff and Roux demonstrated that
mercurial ointments, applied very early, at the first appearance of
the primary lesion, were effective.
Once the spirochete-type bacteria invaded the bloodstream and
tissues, the infected person experienced symptoms of varying nature
and degree—high fever, intense headaches, and excruciating
pain. The patient’s skin often erupted in pustular lesions similar in
appearance to smallpox. It was the distinguishing feature of these
pustular lesions that gave syphilis its other name: the “Great Pox.”
Death brought the only relief then available.

Poison Dyes

Paul Ehrlich became fascinated by the reactions of dyes with biological
cells and tissues while a student at the University of Strasbourg
under Wilhelm von Waldeyer. It was von Waldeyer who
sparked Ehrlich’s interest in the chemical viewpoint of medicine.
Thus, as a student, Ehrlich spent hours at this laboratory experimenting
with different dyes on various tissues. In 1878, he published
a book that detailed the discriminate staining of cells and cellular
components by various dyes.
Ehrlich joined Friedrich von Frerichs at the Charité Hospital in
Berlin, where Frerichs allowed Ehrlich to do as much research as he
wanted. Ehrlich began studying atoxyl in 1908, the year he won
jointly with Metchnikoff the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
for his work on immunity. Atoxyl was effective against trypanosome—
a parasite responsible for a variety of infections, notably
sleeping sickness—but also imposed serious side effects upon the
patient, not the least of which was blindness. It was Ehrlich’s study
of atoxyl, and several hundred derivatives sought as alternatives to
atoxyl in trypanosome treatment, that led to the development of derivative
606 (Salvarsan). Although compound 606 was the first
chemotherapeutic to be used effectively against syphilis, it was discontinued
as an atoxyl alternative and shelved as useless for five
The discovery and development of compound 606 was enhanced
by two critical events. First, the Germans Fritz Schaudinn and Erich

Hoffmann discovered that syphilis is a bacterially caused disease.
The causative microorganism is a spirochete so frail and gossameric
in substance that it is nearly impossible to detect by casual microscopic
examination; Schaudinn chanced upon it one day in March,
1905. This discovery led, in turn, to German bacteriologist August
von Wassermann’s development of the now famous test for syphilis:
the Wassermann test. Second, a Japanese bacteriologist, Sahachiro
Hata, came to Frankfurt in 1909 to study syphilis with
Ehrlich. Hata had studied syphilis in rabbits in Japan. Hata’s assignment
was to test every atoxyl derivative ever developed under
Ehrlich for its efficacy in syphilis treatment. After hundreds of tests
and clinical trials, Ehrlich and Hata announced Salvarsan as a
“magic bullet” that could cure syphilis, at the April, 1910, Congress
of Internal Medicine in Wiesbaden, Germany.
The announcement was electrifying. The remedy was immediately
and widely sought, but it was not without its problems. Afew deaths
resulted fromits use, and it was not safe for treatment of the gravely ill.
Some of the difficulties inherent in Salvarsan were overcome by the development
of neosalvarsan in 1912 and sodium salvarsan in 1913. Although
Ehrlich achieved much, he fell short of his own assigned goal, a
chemotherapeutic that would cure in one injection.


The significance of the development of Salvarsan as an antisyphilitic
chemotherapeutic agent cannot be overstated. Syphilis at
that time was as frightening and horrifying as leprosy and was a virtual
sentence of slow, torturous death. Salvarsan was such a significant
development that Ehrlich was recommended for a 1912 and
1913 Nobel Prize for his work in chemotherapy.
It was several decades before any further significant advances in
“wonder drugs” occurred, namely, the discovery of prontosil in 1932
and its first clinical use in 1935. On the heels of prontosil—a sulfa
drug—came other sulfa drugs. The sulfa drugs would remain supreme
in the fight against bacterial infection until the antibiotics, the
first being penicillin, were discovered in 1928; however, they were
not clinically recognized untilWorldWar II (1939-1945).With the discovery
of streptomycin in 1943 and Aureomycin in 1944, the assault

against bacteria was finally on a sound basis. Medicine possessed an
arsenal with which to combat the pathogenic microbes that for centuries
before had visited misery and death upon humankind.

See also : Abortion pill ; Antibacterial drugs ; Artificial insemination ; Birth control pill ; Penicillin ; ReserpineArsphenamine

Friday, September 28, 2012


The invention:

Taking its name from the acronym for symbolic automatic

integrator, SAINT is recognized as the first “expert system”—

a computer program designed to perform mental tasks requiring

human expertise.

The person behind the invention:

James R. Slagle (1934-1994), an American computer scientist

 The Advent of Artificial Intelligence

In 1944, the Harvard-IBM Mark I was completed. This was an

electromechanical (that is, not fully electronic) digital computer

that was operated by means of coding instructions punched into

paper tape. The machine took about six seconds to perform a multiplication

operation, twelve for a division operation. In the following

year, 1945, the world’s first fully electronic digital computer,

the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC),

became operational. This machine, which was constructed at the

University of Pennsylvania, was thirty meters long, three meters

high, and one meter deep.

At the same time that these machines were being built, a similar

machine was being constructed in the United Kingdom: the automated

computing engine (ACE).Akey figure in the British development

was Alan Turing, a mathematician who had used computers

to break German codes during World War II. After the war, Turing

became interested in the area of “computing machinery and intelligence.”

He posed the question “Can machines think?” and set the

following problem, which is known as the “Turing test.” This test

involves an interrogator who sits at a computer terminal and asks

questions on the terminal about a subject for which he or she seeks intelligent

answers. The interrogator does not know, however, whether

the system is linked to a human or if the responses are, in fact, generated

by a program that is acting intelligently. If the interrogator cannot

tell the difference between the human operator and the computer

system, then the system is said to have passed the Turing test

and has exhibited intelligent behavior.

SAINT: An Expert System

In the attempt to answer Turing’s question and create machines

that could pass the Turing test, researchers investigated techniques

for performing tasks that were considered to require expert levels of

knowledge. These tasks included games such as checkers, chess, and

poker. These games were chosen because the total possible number of

variations in each game was very large. This led the researchers to

several interesting questions for study. How do experts make a decision

in a particular set of circumstances? How can a problem such as

a game of chess be represented in terms of a computer program? Is it

possible to know why the system chose a particular solution?

One researcher, James R. Slagle at the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, chose to develop a program that would be able to solve

elementary symbolic integration problems (involving the manipulation

of integrals in calculus) at the level of a good college freshman.

The program that Slagle constructed was known as SAINT, an

acronym for symbolic automatic integrator, and it is acknowledged

as the first “expert system.”

An expert system is a system that performs at the level of a human

expert. An expert system has three basic components: a knowledge

base, in which domain-specific information is held (for example, rules

on how best to perform certain types of integration problems); an inference

engine, which decides how to break down a given problem utilizing

the rules in the knowledge base; and a human-computer interface

that inputs data—in this case, the integral to be solved—and

outputs the result of performing the integration. Another feature of expert

systems is their ability to explain their reasoning.

The integration problems that could be solved by SAINT were

in the form of elementary integral functions. SAINT could perform

indefinite integration (also called “antidifferentiation”) on these

functions. In addition, it was capable of performing definite and

indefinite integration on trivial extensions of indefinite integration.

SAINT was tested on a set of eighty-six problems, fifty-four of

which were drawn from the MIT final examinations in freshman

calculus; it succeeded in solving all but two. Slagle added more

rules to the knowledge base so that problems of the type it encountered

but could not solve could be solved in the future.

   The power of the SAINT system was, in part, based on its ability

to perform integration through the adoption of a “heuristic” processing

system.Aheuristic method is one that helps in discovering a

problem’s solution by making plausible but feasible guesses about

the best strategy to apply next to the current problem situation. A

heuristic is a rule of thumb that makes it possible to take short cuts

in reaching a solution, rather than having to go through every step

in a solution path. These heuristic rules are contained in the knowledge

base. SAINT was written in the LISP programming language

and ran on an IBM 7090 computer. The program and research were

Slagle’s doctoral dissertation.


 The SAINT system that Slagle developed was significant for several

reasons: First, it was the first serious attempt at producing a

program that could come close to passing the Turing test. Second, it

brought the idea of representing an expert’s knowledge in a computer

program together with strategies for solving complex and difficult

problems in an area that previously required human expertise.

Third, it identified the area of knowledge-based systems and

 showed that computers could feasibly be used for programs that

did not relate to business data processing. Fourth, the SAINT system

showed how the use of heuristic rules and information could

lead to the solution of problems that could not have been solved

previously because of the amount of time needed to calculate a solution.

SAINT’s major impact was in outlining the uses of these techniques,

which led to continued research in the subfield of artificial

intelligence that became known as expert systems.


James R. Slagle

James R. Slagle was born in 1934 in Brooklyn,NewYork, and

attended nearby St. John’s University. He majored in mathematics

and graduated with a bachelor of science degree in 1955,

also winning the highest scholastic average award. While earning

his master’s degree (1957) and doctorate (1961) at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT), he was a staff mathematician

in the university’s Lincoln Laboratory.

Slagle taught in MIT’s electrical engineering department

part-time after completing his dissertation on the first expert

computer system and then moved to Lawrence-Livermore

National Laboratory near Berkeley, California. While working

there he also taught at the University of California. From 1967

until 1974 he was an adjunct member of the computer science

faculty of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland,

and then was appointed chief of the computer science laboratory

at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) inWashington, D.C., receiving

the Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employee of the

Year Award in 1979. In 1984 he was made a special assistant in

the Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence

at NRL but left in 1984 to become Distinguished Professor of

Computer Science at the University of Minnesota.

In these various positions Slagle helped mature the fledgling

discipline of artificial intelligence, publishing the influential

book Artificial Intelligence in 1971. He developed an expert system

designed to set up other expert systems—A Generalized

Network-based Expert System Shell, or AGNESS. He also worked

on parallel expert systems, artificial neural networks, timebased

logic, and methods for uncovering causal knowledge in

large databases. He died in 1994.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rotary dial telephone

The invention:

The first device allowing callers to connect their

telephones to other parties without the aid of an operator, the rotary

dial telephone preceded the touch-tone phone.

The people behind the invention:

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), an American inventor

Antoine Barnay (1883-1945), a French engineer

Elisha Gray (1835-1901), an American inventor

 Rotary Telephones Dials Make Phone Linkups Automatic

The telephone uses electricity to carry sound messages over long

distances. When a call is made from a telephone set, the caller

speaks into a telephone transmitter and the resultant sound waves

are converted into electrical signals. The electrical signals are then

transported over a telephone line to the receiver of a second telephone

set that was designated when the call was initiated. This receiver

reverses the process, converting the electrical signals into the

sounds heard by the recipient of the call. The process continues as

the parties talk to each other.

The telephone was invented in the 1870’s and patented in 1876 by

Alexander Graham Bell. Bell’s patent application barely preceded

an application submitted by his competitor Elisha Gray. After a

heated patent battle between Bell and Gray, which Bell won, Bell

founded the Bell Telephone Company, which later came to be called

the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

At first, the transmission of phone calls between callers and recipients

was carried out manually, by switchboard operators. In

1923, however, automation began with Antoine Barnay’s development

of the rotary telephone dial. This dial caused the emission of

variable electrical impulses that could be decoded automatically

and used to link the telephone sets of callers and call recipients. In

time, the rotary dial system gave way to push-button dialing and

other more modern networking techniques.

Telephones, Switchboards, and Automation

The carbon transmitter, which is still used in many modern telephone

sets, was the key to the development of the telephone by Alexander

Graham Bell. This type of transmitter—and its more modern

replacements—operates like an electric version of the human

ear. When a person talks into the telephone set in a carbon transmitter-

equipped telephone, the sound waves that are produced strike

an electrically connected metal diaphragm and cause it to vibrate.

The speed of vibration of this electric eardrum varies in accordance

with the changes in air pressure caused by the changing tones of the

speaker’s voice.

Behind the diaphragm of a carbon transmitter is a cup filled with

powdered carbon. As the vibrations cause the diaphragm to press

against the carbon, the electrical signals—electrical currents of varying

strength—pass out of the instrument through a telephone wire.

Once the electrical signals reach the receiver of the phone being

called, they activate electromagnets in the receiver that make a second

diaphragm vibrate. This vibration converts the electrical signals

into sounds that are very similar to the sounds made by the person

who is speaking. Therefore, a telephone receiver may be viewed

as an electric mouth.

In modern telephone systems, transportation of the electrical signals

between any two phone sets requires the passage of those signals

through vast telephone networks consisting of huge numbers

of wires, radio systems, and other media. The linkup of any two

phone sets was originally, however, accomplished manually—on a

relatively small scale—by a switchboard operator who made the

necessary connections by hand. In such switchboard systems, each

telephone set in the network was associated with a jack connector in

the switchboard. The operator observed all incoming calls, identified

the phone sets for which they were intended, and then used

wires to connect the appropriate jacks. At the end of the call, the

jacks were disconnected.

This cumbersome methodology limited the size and efficiency of

telephone networks and invaded the privacy of callers. The development

of automated switching systems soon solved these problems

and made switchboard operators obsolete. It was here that

Antoine Barnay’s rotary dial was used, making possible an exchange

that automatically linked the phone sets of callers and call

recipients in the following way.

First, a caller lifted a telephone “off the hook,” causing a switchhook,

like those used in modern phones, to close the circuit that connected

the telephone set to the telephone network. Immediately, a

dial tone (still familiar to callers) came on to indicate that the automatic

switching system could handle the planned call. When the

phone dial was used, each number or letter that was dialed produced

a fixed number of clicks. Every click indicated that an electrical

pulse had been sent to the network’s automatic switching system,

causing switches to change position slightly. Immediately after

a complete telephone number was dialed, the overall operation of

the automatic switchers connected the two telephone sets. This connection

was carried out much more quickly and accurately than had

been possible when telephone operators at manual switchboards

made the connection.


The telephone has become the world’s most important communication

device. Most adults use it between six and eight times per

day, for personal and business calls. This widespread use has developed

because huge changes have occurred in telephones and telephone

networks. For example, automatic switching and the rotary

dial system were only the beginning of changes in phone calling.

Touch-tone dialing replaced Barnay’s electrical pulses with audio

tones outside the frequency of human speech. This much-improved

system can be used to send calls over much longer distances than

was possible with the rotary dial system, and it also interacts well

with both answering machines and computers.

Another advance in modern telephoning is the use of radio

transmission techniques in mobile phones, rendering telephone

cords obsolete. The mobile phone communicates with base stations

arranged in “cells” throughout the service area covered. As the user

changes location, the phone link automatically moves from cell to

cell in a cellular network.

In addition, the use of microwave, laser, and fiber-optic technologies

has helped to lengthen the distance over which phone calls can

be transmitted. These technologies have also increased the number

of messages that phone networks can handle simultaneously and

have made it possible to send radio and television programs (such

as cable television), scientific data (via modems), and written messages

(via facsimile, or “fax,” machines) over phone lines. Many

other advances in telephone technology are expected as society’s

needs change and new technology is developed.

                                                       Alexander Graham Bell

 During the funeral for Alexander Graham Bell in 1922, telephone

service throughout the United States stopped for one

minute to honor him. To most people he was the inventor of the

telephone. In fact, his genius ranged much further.

Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. His father,

an elocutionist who invented a phonetic alphabet, and his

mother, who was deaf, imbued him with deep curiosity, especially

about sound. As a boy Bell became an exceptional pianist,

and he produced his first invention, for cleaning wheat, at

fourteen. After Edinburgh’s Royal High School, he attended

classes at Edinburgh University and University College, London,

but at the age of twenty-three, battling tuberculosis, he

left school to move with his parents to Ontario, Canada, to

convalesce. Meanwhile, he worked on his idea for a telegraph

capable of sending multiple messages at once. From it grew

the basic concept for the telephone. He developed it while

teaching Visible Speech at the Boston School for Deaf Mutes

after 1871. Assisted by ThomasWatson, he succeeded in sending

speech over a wire and was issued a patent for his device,

among the most valuable ever granted, in 1876. His demonstration

of the telephone later that year at Philadelphia’s

Centennial Exhibition and its subsequent development into a

household appliance brought him wealth and fame.

He moved to Nova Scotia, Canada, and continued inventing.

He created a photophone, tetrahedron modules for construction,

and an airplane, the Silver Dart, which flew in 1909.

Even though existing technology made them impracticable,

some of his ideas anticipated computers and magnetic sound

recording. His last patented invention, tested three years before

his death, was a hydrofoil. Capable of reaching seventy-one

miles per hour and freighting fourteen thousand pounds, the

HD-4 was then the fastest watercraft in the world.

Bell also helped found the National Geographic Society in

1888 and became its president in 1898. He hired Gilbert Grosvenor

to edit the society’s famous magazine, National Geographic

and together they planned the format—breathtaking

photography and vivid writing—that made it one of the world’s

best known magazines.

See also here !

Monday, September 24, 2012


The invention: Liquid-fueled rockets developed by Robert H. Goddard

made possible all later developments in modern rocketry,

which in turn has made the exploration of space practical.

The person behind the invention:

Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945), an American physics professor

History in a Cabbage Patch

Just as the age of air travel began on an out-of-the-way shoreline
at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, with the Wright brothers’ airplane
in 1903, so too the seemingly impossible dream of spaceflight
began in a cabbage patch in Auburn, Massachusetts, with
Robert H. Goddard’s launch of a liquid-fueled rocket on March 16,
1926. On that clear, cold day, with snow still on the ground, Goddard
launched a three-meter-long rocket using liquid oxygen and
gasoline. The flight lasted only about two and one-half seconds,
during which the rocket rose 12 meters and landed about 56 meters
Although the launch was successful, the rocket’s design was
clumsy. At first, Goddard had thought that a rocket would be
steadier if the motor and nozzles were ahead of the fuel tanks,
rather like a horse and buggy. After this first launch, it was clear
that the motor needed to be placed at the rear of the rocket. Although
Goddard had spent several years working on different
pumps to control the flow of fuel to the motor, the first rocket had
no pumps or electrical system. Henry Sacks, a Clark University
machinist, launched the rocket by turning a valve, placing an alcohol
stove beneath the motor, and dashing for safety. Goddard and
his coworker Percy Roope watched the launch from behind an iron
Despite its humble setting, this simple event changed the course
of history. Many people saw in Goddard’s launch the possibilities
for high-altitude research, space travel, and modern weaponry. Although
Goddard invented and experimented mostly in private,

others in the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany quickly
followed in his footsteps. The V-2 rockets used by Nazi Germany
in World War II (1939-1945) included many of Goddard’s designs
and ideas.

A Lifelong Interest

Goddard’s success was no accident. He had first become interested
in rockets and space travel when he was seventeen, no doubt
because of reading books such as H. G.Wells’s The War of the Worlds
(1898) and Garrett P. Serviss’s Edison’s Conquest of Mars (1898). In
1907, he sent to several scientific journals a paper describing his ideas
about traveling through a near vacuum. Although the essay was rejected,
Goddard began thinking about liquid fuels in 1909. After finishing
his doctorate in physics at Clark University and postdoctoral
studies at Princeton University, he began to experiment.
One of the things that made Goddard so successful was his ability
to combine things he had learned from chemistry, physics, and
engineering into rocket design. More than anyone else at the time,
Goddard had the ability to combine ideas with practice.
Goddard was convinced that the key for moving about in space
was the English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton’s
third law of motion (for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction). To prove this, he showed that a gun recoiled when it was
fired in a vacuum. During World War I (1914-1918), Goddard
moved to the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, where he
investigated the use of black powder and smokeless powder as
rocket fuel. Goddard’s work led to the invention of the bazooka, a
weapon that was much used duringWorldWar II, as well as bombardment
and antiaircraft rockets.
After World War I, Goddard returned to Clark University. By
1920, mostly because of the experiments he had done during the
war, he had decided that a liquid-fuel motor, with its smooth thrust,
had the best chance of boosting a rocket into space. The most powerful
fuel was hydrogen, but it is very difficult to handle. Oxygen had
many advantages, but it was hard to find and extremely dangerous,
since it boils at -148 degrees Celsius and explodes when it comes in
contact with oils, greases, and flames. Other possible fuels were pro-

pane, ether, kerosene, or gasoline, but they all had serious disadvantages.
Finally, Goddard found a local source of oxygen and was able
to begin testing its thrust.

Another problem was designing a fuel pump. Goddard and his
assistant Nils Riffolt spent years on this problem before the historic
test flight of March, 1926. In the end, because of pressure from the
Smithsonian Institution and others who were funding his research,
Goddard decided to do without a pump and use an inert gas to
push the fuel into the explosion chamber.
Goddard worked without much funding between 1920 and 1925.
Riffolt helped him greatly in designing a pump, and Goddard’s
wife, Esther, photographed some of the tests and helped in other
ways. Clark University had granted him some research money in
1923, but by 1925 money was in short supply, and the Smithsonian
Institution did not seem willing to grant more. Goddard was convinced
that his research would be taken seriously if he could show
some serious results, so on March 16, 1926, he launched a rocket
even though his design was not yet perfect. The success of that
launch not only changed his career but also set the stage for rocketry
experiments both in the United States and in Europe.


Goddard was described as being secretive and a loner. He never
tried to cash in on his invention but continued his research during
the next three years. On July 17, 1929, Goddard launched a rocket
carrying a camera and instruments for measuring temperature
and air pressure. The New York Times published a story about the
noisy crash of this rocket and local officials’ concerns about public
safety. The article also mentioned Goddard’s idea that a similar
rocket might someday strike the Moon. When American aviation
hero Charles A. Lindbergh learned of Goddard’s work, Lindbergh
helped him to get grants from the Carnegie Institution and the
Guggenheim Foundation.
By the middle of 1930, Goddard and a small group of assistants
had established a full-time research program near Roswell, New
Mexico. Now that money was not so much of a problem, Goddard
began to make significant advances in almost every area of astronautics.
In 1941, Goddard launched a rocket to a height of 2,700 meters.
Flight stability was helped by a gyroscope, and he was finally
able to use a fuel pump.

 During the 1920’s and 1930’s, members of the American Rocket
Society and the German Society for Space Travel continued their
own research. When World War II began, rocket research became a
high priority for the American and German governments.
Germany’s success with the V-2 rocket was a direct result of
Goddard’s research and inventions, but the United States did not
benefit fully from Goddard’s work until after his death. Nevertheless,
Goddard remains modern rocketry’s foremost pioneer—a scientist
with vision, understanding, and practical skill.


                                                                       Robert H. Goddard

In 1920 The New York Times made fun of Robert Hutchings
Goddard (1882-1945) for claiming that rockets could travel
through outer space to the Moon. It was impossible, the newspaper’s
editorial writer confidently asserted, because in outer
space the engine would have no air to push against and so
could not move the rocket. A sensitive, quiet man, the Clark
University physics professor was stung by the public rebuke,
all the more so because it displayed ignorance of
basic physics. “Every vision is a joke,” Goddard
said, somewhat bitterly, “until the first man accomplishes
Goddard had already proved that a rocket could
move in a vacuum, but he refrained from rebutting
the Times article. In 1919 he had become the first
American to describe mathematically the theory of
rocket propulsion in his classic article “A Method of
Reaching Extreme Altitude,” and duringWorldWar I
he had acquired experience designing solid-fuel rockets.
However, even though he was the world’s leading
expert on rocketry, he decided to seek privacy for
his experiments. His successful launch of a liquidfuel
rocket in 1926, followed by new designs that reached ever
higher altitudes, was a source of satisfaction, as were his 214
patents, but real recognition of his achievements did not come
his way untilWorldWar II. In 1942 he was named director of research
at the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics, for which he
worked on jet-assisted takeoff rockets and variable-thrust liquid-
propellant rockets. In 1943 the Curtiss-Wright Corporation
hired him as a consulting engineer, and in 1945 he became director
of the American Rocket Society.
The New York Times finally apologized to Goddard for its
1920 article on the morning after Apollo 11 took off for the
Moon in 1969. However, Goddard, who battled tuberculosis
most of his life, had died twenty-four years earlier.

See also here !

Robot (industrial)

The people behind the invention:

Karel Capek (1890-1938), a Czech playwright

George C. Devol, Jr. (1912- ), an American inventor

Joseph F. Engelberger (1925- ), an American entrepreneur

Robots, from Concept to Reality

The 1920 play Rossum’s Universal Robots, by Czech writer Karel

Capek, introduced robots to the world. Capek’s humanoid robots—

robot, a word created by Capek, essentially means slave—revolted

and took over the world, which made the concept of robots somewhat

frightening. The development of robots, which are now defined

as machines that do work that would ordinarily be carried out

by humans, has not yet advanced to the stage of being able to produce

humanoid robots, however, much less robots capable of carrying

out a revolt.

Most modern robots are found in industry, where they perform

dangerous or monotonous tasks that previously were done by humans.

The first industrial robots were the Unimates (short for “universal

automaton”), which were derived from a robot design invented

by George C. Devol and patented in 1954. The first Unimate

prototypes, developed by Devol and Joseph F. Engelberger, were

completed in 1962 by Unimation Incorporated and tested in industry.

They were so successful that the company, located in Danbury,

Connecticut, manufactured and sold thousands of Unimates to

companies in the United States and abroad. Unimates are very versatile

at performing routine industrial tasks and are easy to program

and reprogram. The tasks they perform include various steps in automobile

manufacturing, spray painting, and running lathes. The

huge success of the Unimates led companies in other countries to

produce their own industrial robots, and advancing technology has

improved all industrial robots tremendously.

 A New Industrial Revolution

Each of the first Unimate robots, which were priced at $25,000,

was almost five feet tall and stood on a four-foot by five-foot base. It

has often been said that a Unimate resembles the gun turret of a

minitank, set atop a rectangular box. In operation, such a robot will

swivel, swing, and/or dip and turn at the wrist of its hydraulically

powered arm, which has a steel hand. The precisely articulated

hand can pick up an egg without breaking it. At the same time, however,

it is powerful enough to lift a hundred-pound weight.

The Unimate is a robotic jack of all trades: It can be programmed,

in about an hour, to carry out a complex operation, after which it can

have its memory erased and be reprogrammed in another hour to

do something entirely different. In addition, programming a Unimate

requires no special training. The programmer simply uses a teachcable

selector that allows the programmer to move the Unimate arm

through the desired operation. This selector consists of a group of

pushbutton control boxes, each of which is equipped with buttons

in opposed pairs. Each button pair records the motion that will put a

Unimate arm through one of five possible motions, in opposite directions.

For example, pushing the correct buttons will record a motion

in which the robot’s arm moves out to one side, aims upward,

and angles appropriately to carry out the first portion of its intended

job. If the Unimate overshoots, undershoots, or otherwise

performs the function incorrectly, the activity can be fine-tuned

with the buttons.

Once the desired action has been performed correctly, pressing a

“record” button on the robot’s main control panel enters the operation

into its computer memory. In this fashion, Unimates can be programmed

to carry out complex actions that require as many as two

hundred commands. Each command tells the Unimate to move its

arm or hand in a given way by combining the following five motions:

sliding the arm forward, swinging the arm horizontally, tilting

the arm up or down, bending the wrist up or down, and swiveling

the hand in a half-circle clockwise or counterclockwise.

Before pressing the “record” button on the Unimate’s control

panel, the operator can also command the hand to grasp an item

when in a particular position. Furthermore, the strength of the

grasp can be controlled, as can the duration of time between each action.

Finally, the Unimate can be instructed to start or stop another

routine (such as operating a paint sprayer) at any point. Once the instructor

is satisfied with the robot’s performance, pressing a “repeat

continuous” control starts the Unimate working. The robot will stop

repeating its program only when it is turned off.

Inside the base of an original Unimate is a magnetic drum that

contains its memory. The drum turns intermittently, moving each of

two hundred long strips of metal beneath recording heads. This

strip movement brings specific portions of each strip—dictated by

particular motions—into position below the heads. When the “record”

button is pressed after a motion is completed, the hand position

is recorded as a series of numbers that tells the computer the

complete hand position in each of the five permissible movement


Once “repeat continuous” is pressed, the computer begins the

command series by turning the drum appropriately, carrying out

each memorized command in the chosen sequence. When the sequence

ends, the computer begins again, and the process repeats

until the robot is turned off. If a Unimate user wishes to change the

function of such a robot, its drum can be erased and reprogrammed.

Users can also remove programmed drums, store them for future

use, and replace them with new drums.


The first Unimates had a huge impact on industrial manufacturing.

In time, different sizes of robots became available so that additional

tasks could be performed, and the robots’ circuitry was improved.

Because they have no eyes and cannot make judgments,

Unimates are limited to relatively simple tasks that are coordinated

by means of timed operations and simple computer interactions.

Most of the thousands of modern Unimates and their multinational

cousins in industry are very similar to the original Unimates

in terms of general capabilities, although they can now assemble

watches and perform other delicate tasks that the original Unimates

could not perform. The crude magnetic drums and computer controls

have given way to silicon chips and microcomputers, which

have made the robots more accurate and reliable. Some robots can

even build other robots, and others can perform tasks such as mowing

lawns and walking dogs.

Various improvements have been planned that will ultimately

lead to some very interesting and advanced modifications. It is

likely that highly sophisticated humanoid robots like those predicted

by Karel Capek will be produced at some future time. One

can only hope that these robots will not rebel against their human


See also here !