Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The invention: An artificial polymer with strong insulating properties

and many other applications.

The people behind the invention:

Karl Ziegler (1898-1973), a German chemist

Giulio Natta (1903-1979), an Italian chemist

August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1818-1892), a German chemist

The Development of Synthetic Polymers

In 1841, August Hofmann completed his Ph.D. with Justus von

Liebig, a German chemist and founding father of organic chemistry.

One of Hofmann’s students,William Henry Perkin, discovered that

coal tars could be used to produce brilliant dyes. The German chemical

industry, under Hofmann’s leadership, soon took the lead in

this field, primarily because the discipline of organic chemistry was

much more developed in Germany than elsewhere.

The realities of the early twentieth century found the chemical

industry struggling to produce synthetic substitutes for natural

materials that were in short supply, particularly rubber. Rubber is

a natural polymer, a material composed of a long chain of small

molecules that are linked chemically. An early synthetic rubber,

neoprene, was one of many synthetic polymers (some others were

Bakelite, polyvinyl chloride, and polystyrene) developed in the

1920’s and 1930’s. Another polymer, polyethylene, was developed

in 1936 by Imperial Chemical Industries. Polyethylene was a

tough, waxy material that was produced at high temperature and

at pressures of about one thousand atmospheres. Its method of

production made the material expensive, but it was useful as an insulating


WorldWar II and the material shortages associated with it brought

synthetic materials into the limelight. Many new uses for polymers

were discovered, and after the war they were in demand for the production

of a variety of consumer goods, although polyethylene was

still too expensive to be used widely.
Organometallics Provide the Key

Karl Ziegler, an organic chemist with an excellent international

reputation, spent most of his career in Germany. With his international

reputation and lack of political connections, he was a natural

candidate to take charge of the KaiserWilhelm Institute for Coal Research

(later renamed the Max Planck Institute) in 1943. Wise planners

saw him as a director who would be favored by the conquering

Allies. His appointment was a shrewd one, since he was allowed to

retain his position after World War II ended. Ziegler thus played a

key role in the resurgence of German chemical research after the war.

Before accepting the position at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute,

Ziegler made it clear that he would take the job only if he could pursue

his own research interests in addition to conducting coal research.

The location of the institute in the Ruhr Valley meant that

abundant supplies of ethylene were available from the local coal industry,

so it is not surprising that Ziegler began experimenting with

that material.

Although Ziegler’s placement as head of the institute was an important

factor in his scientific breakthrough, his previous research

was no less significant. Ziegler devoted much time to the field of

organometallic compounds, which are compounds that contain a

metal atom that is bonded to one or more carbon atoms. Ziegler was

interested in organoaluminum compounds, which are compounds

that contain aluminum-carbon bonds.

Ziegler was also interested in polymerization reactions, which

involve the linking of thousands of smaller molecules into the single

long chain of a polymer. Several synthetic polymers were known,

but chemists could exert little control on the actual process. It was

impossible to regulate the length of the polymer chain, and the extent

of branching in the chain was unpredictable. It was as a result of

studying the effect of organoaluminum compounds on these chain

formation reactions that the key discovery was made.

Ziegler and his coworkers already knew that ethylene would react

with organoaluminum compounds to produce hydrocarbons,

which are compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen and

that have varying chain lengths. Regulating the product chain length

continued to be a problem.

At this point, fate intervened in the form of a trace of nickel left in a

reactor from a previous experiment. The nickel caused the chain

lengthening to stop after two ethylene molecules had been linked.

Ziegler and his colleagues then tried to determine whether metals

other than nickel caused a similar effect with a longer polymeric

chain. Several metals were tested, and the most important finding

was that a trace of titanium chloride in the reactor caused the deposition

of large quantities of high-density polyethylene at low pressures.

Ziegler licensed the procedure, and within a year, Giulio Natta

had modified the catalysts to give high yields of polymers with

highly ordered side chains branching from the main chain. This

opened the door for the easy production of synthetic rubber. For

their discovery of Ziegler-Natta catalysts, Ziegler and Natta shared

the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


Ziegler’s process produced polyethylene that was much more

rigid than the material produced at high pressure. His product also

had a higher density and a higher softening temperature. Industrial

exploitation of the process was unusually rapid, and within ten years

more than twenty plants utilizing the process had been built throughout

Europe, producing more than 120,000 metric tons of polyethylene.

This rapid exploitation was one reason Ziegler and Natta were

awarded the Nobel Prize after such a relatively short time.

By the late 1980’s, total production stood at roughly 18 billion

pounds worldwide. Other polymeric materials, including polypropylene,

can be produced by similar means. The ready availability

and low cost of these versatile materials have radically transformed

the packaging industry. Polyethylene bottles are far lighter

than their glass counterparts; in addition, gases and liquids do not

diffuse into polyethylene very easily, and it does not break easily.

As a result, more and more products are bottled in containers

made of polyethylene or other polymers. Other novel materials

possessing properties unparalleled by any naturally occurring material

(Kevlar, for example, which is used to make bullet-resistant

vests) have also been an outgrowth of the availability of low-cost

polymeric materials.

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