Thursday, March 5, 2009

Buna rubber

The invention: The first practical synthetic rubber product developed,
Buna inspired the creation of other other synthetic substances
that eventually replaced natural rubber in industrial applications.
The people behind the invention:
Charles de la Condamine (1701-1774), a French naturalist
Charles Goodyear (1800-1860), an American inventor
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), an English chemist
Charles Greville Williams (1829-1910), an English chemist
A New Synthetic Rubber
The discovery of natural rubber is often credited to the French
scientist Charles de la Condamine, who, in 1736, sent the French
Academy of Science samples of an elastic material used by Peruvian
Indians to make balls that bounced. The material was primarily a
curiosity until 1770, when Joseph Priestley, an English chemist, discovered
that it rubbed out pencil marks, after which he called it
“rubber.” Natural rubber, made from the sap of the rubber tree
(Hevea brasiliensis), became important after Charles Goodyear discovered
in 1830 that heating rubber with sulfur (a process called
“vulcanization”) made it more elastic and easier to use. Vulcanized
natural rubber came to be used to make raincoats, rubber bands,
and motor vehicle tires.
Natural rubber is difficult to obtain (making one tire requires
the amount of rubber produced by one tree in two years), and wars
have often cut off supplies of this material to various countries.
Therefore, efforts to manufacture synthetic rubber began in the
late eighteenth century. Those efforts followed the discovery by
English chemist Charles GrevilleWilliams and others in the 1860’s
that natural rubber was composed of thousands of molecules of a
chemical called isoprene that had been joined to form giant, necklace-
like molecules. The first successful synthetic rubber, Buna,
was patented by Germany’s I. G. Farben Industrie in 1926. The success of this rubber led to the development of many other synthetic
rubbers, which are now used in place of natural rubber in many
applications.From Erasers to Gas Pumps
Natural rubber belongs to the group of chemicals called “polymers.”
Apolymer is a giant molecule that is made up of many simpler
chemical units (“monomers”) that are attached chemically to
form long strings. In natural rubber, the monomer is isoprene
(dimethylbutadiene). The first efforts to make a synthetic rubber
used the discovery that isoprene could be made and converted
into an elastic polymer. The synthetic rubber that was created from
isoprene was, however, inferior to natural rubber. The first Buna
rubber, which was patented by I. G. Farben in 1926, was better, but it
was still less than ideal. Buna rubber was made by polymerizing the
monomer butadiene in the presence of sodium. The name Buna
comes from the first two letters of the words “butadiene” and “natrium”
(German for sodium). Natural and Buna rubbers are called
homopolymers because they contain only one kind of monomer.
The ability of chemists to make Buna rubber, along with its successful
use, led to experimentation with the addition of other monomers
to isoprene-like chemicals used to make synthetic rubber.
Among the first great successes were materials that contained two
alternating monomers; such materials are called “copolymers.” If
the two monomers are designated Aand B, part of a polymer molecule
can be represented as (ABABABABABABABABAB). Numerous
synthetic copolymers, which are often called “elastomers,” now
replace natural rubber in applications where they have superior
properties. All elastomers are rubbers, since objects made from
them both stretch greatly when pulled and return quickly to their
original shape when the tension is released.
Two other well-known rubbers developed by I. G. Farben are the
copolymers called Buna-N and Buna-S. These materials combine butadiene
and the monomers acrylonitrile and styrene, respectively.
Many modern motor vehicle tires are made of synthetic rubber that
differs little from Buna-S rubber. This rubber was developed after
the United States was cut off in the 1940’s, during World War II,
from its Asian source of natural rubber. The solution to this problem
was the development of a synthetic rubber industry based on GR-S
rubber (government rubber plus styrene), which was essentially
Buna-S rubber. This rubber is still widely used.Buna-S rubber is often made by mixing butadiene and styrene in
huge tanks of soapy water, stirring vigorously, and heating the mixture.
The polymer contains equal amounts of butadiene and styrene
(BSBSBSBSBSBSBSBS). When the molecules of the Buna-S polymer
reach the desired size, the polymerization is stopped and the rubber
is coagulated (solidified) chemically. Then, water and all the unused
starting materials are removed, after which the rubber is dried and
shipped to various plants for use in tires and other products. The
major difference between Buna-S and GR-S rubber is that the method
of making GR-S rubber involves the use of low temperatures.
Buna-N rubber is made in a fashion similar to that used for Buna-
S, using butadiene and acrylonitrile. Both Buna-N and the related
neoprene rubber, invented by Du Pont, are very resistant to gasoline
and other liquid vehicle fuels. For this reason, they can be used in
gas-pump hoses. All synthetic rubbers are vulcanized before they
are used in industry.
Buna rubber became the basis for the development of the other
modern synthetic rubbers. These rubbers have special properties
that make them suitable for specific applications. One developmental
approach involved the use of chemically modified butadiene in
homopolymers such as neoprene. Made of chloroprene (chlorobutadiene),
neoprene is extremely resistant to sun, air, and chemicals.
It is so widely used in machine parts, shoe soles, and hoses that
more than 400 million pounds are produced annually.
Another developmental approach involved copolymers that alternated
butadiene with other monomers. For example, the successful
Buna-N rubber (butadiene and acrylonitrile) has properties
similar to those of neoprene. It differs sufficiently from neoprene,
however, to be used to make items such as printing press rollers.
About 200 million pounds of Buna-N are produced annually. Some
4 billion pounds of the even more widely used polymer Buna-S/
GR-S are produced annually, most of which is used to make tires.
Several other synthetic rubbers have significant industrial applications,
and efforts to make copolymers for still other purposes continue.

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