Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tungsten filament

The invention: 

Metal filament used in the incandescent light bulbs

that have long provided most of the world’s electrical lighting.

The people behind the invention:

William David Coolidge (1873-1975), an American electrical


Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), an American inventor

The Incandescent Light Bulb

The electric lamp developed along with an understanding of

electricity in the latter half of the nineteenth century. In 1841, the

first patent for an incandescent lamp was granted in Great Britain.A

patent is a legal claim that protects the patent holder for a period of

time from others who might try to copy the invention and make a

profit from it. Although others tried to improve upon the incandescent

lamp, it was not until 1877, when Thomas Alva Edison, the famous

inventor, became interested in developing a successful electric

lamp, that real progress was made. The Edison Electric Light

Company was founded in 1878, and in 1892, it merged with other

companies to form the General Electric Company.

Early electric lamps used platinum wire as a filament. Because

platinum is expensive, alternative filament materials were sought.

After testing many substances, Edison finally decided to use carbon

as a filament material. Although carbon is fragile, making it difficult

to manufacture filaments, it was the best choice available at the time.

The Manufacture of Ductile Tungsten

Edison and others had tested tungsten as a possible material for

lamp filaments but discarded it as unsuitable. Tungsten is a hard,

brittle metal that is difficult to shape and easy to break, but it possesses

properties that are needed for lamp filaments. It has the highest

melting point (3,410 degrees Celsius) of any known metal; therefore,

it can be heated to a very high temperature, giving off a

relatively large amount of radiation without melting (as platinum

does) or decomposing (as carbon does). The radiation it emits when

heated is primarily visible light. Its resistance to the passage of electricity

is relatively high, so it requires little electric current to reach

its operating voltage. It also has a high boiling point (about 5,900 degrees

Celsius) and therefore does not tend to boil away, or vaporize,

when heated. In addition, it is mechanically strong, resisting breaking

caused by mechanical shock.

William David Coolidge, an electrical engineer with the General

Electric Company, was assigned in 1906 the task of transforming

tungsten from its natural state into a form suitable for lamp filaments.

The accepted procedure for producing fine metal wires was

(and still is) to force a wire rod through successively smaller holes in

a hard metal block until a wire of the proper diameter is achieved.

The property that allows a metal to be drawn into a fine wire by

means of this procedure is called “ductility.” Tungsten is not naturally

ductile, and it was Coolidge’s assignment to make it into a ductile

form. Over a period of five years, and after many failures, Coolidge

and his workers achieved their goal. By 1911, General Electric

was selling lamps that contained tungsten filaments.

Originally, Coolidge attempted to mix powdered tungsten with a

suitable substance, form a paste, and squirt that paste through a die

to form the wire. The paste-wire was then sintered (heated at a temperature

slightly below its melting point) in an effort to fuse the

powder into a solid mass. Because of its higher boiling point, the

tungsten would remain after all the other components in the paste

boiled away. At about 300 degrees Celsius, tungsten softens sufficiently

to be hammered into an elongated form. Upon cooling, however,

tungsten again becomes brittle, which prevents it from being

shaped further into filaments. It was suggested that impurities in

the tungsten caused the brittleness, but specially purified tungsten

worked no better than the unpurified form.

Many metals can be reduced from rods to wires if the rods are

passed through a series of rollers that are successively closer together.

Some success was achieved with this method when the rollers

were heated along with the metal, but it was still not possible to

produce sufficiently fine wire. Next, Coolidge tried a procedure

called “swaging,” in which a thick wire is repeatedly and rapidly

struck by a series of rotating hammers as the wire is drawn past

them. After numerous failures, a fine wire was successfully produced

using this procedure. It was still too thick for lamp filaments,

but it was ductile at room temperature.

Microscopic examination of the wire revealed a change in the

crystalline structure of tungsten as a result of the various treatments.

The individual crystals had elongated, taking on a fiber like

appearance. Now the wire could be drawn through a die to achieve

the appropriate thickness. Again, the wire had to be heated, and if

the temperature was too high, the tungsten reverted to a brittle

state. The dies themselves were heated, and the reduction progressed

in stages, each of which reduced the wire’s diameter by a

thousandth of an inch.

Finally, Coolidge had been successful.Pressed tungsten bars

measuring 1/4 x 3/8x6 inches were hammered and rolled into rods 1/8

inch , or 125/1000 inc, in diameter.

The unit 1/1000 inch is often called a “mil.”

These rods were then swaged to approximately 30 mil and

then passed through dies to achieve the filament size of 25 mil or

smaller, depending on the power output of the lamp in which the

filament was to be used. Tungsten wires of 1 mil or smaller are now

readily available.


Ductile tungsten wire filaments are superior in several respects

to platinum, carbon, or sintered tungsten filaments. Ductile filament

lamps can withstand more mechanical shock without breaking.

This means that they can be used in, for example, automobile

headlights, in which jarring frequently occurs. Ductile wire can also

be coiled into compact cylinders within the lamp bulb, which makes

for a more concentrated source of light and easier focusing. Ductile

tungsten filament lamps require less electricity than do carbon filament

lamps, and they also last longer. Because the size of the filament

wire can be carefully controlled, the light output from lamps

of the same power rating is more reproducible. One 60-watt bulb is

therefore exactly like another in terms of light production.

Improved production techniques have greatly reduced the cost

of manufacturing ductile tungsten filaments and of light-bulb man-

ufacturing in general. The modern world is heavily dependent

upon this reliable, inexpensive light source, which turns darkness

into daylight.

See also : Fluorescent lighting; Memory metal; Steelmaking process.