Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tuberculosis vaccine

The invention: 

Vaccine that uses an avirulent (nondisease) strain

of bovine tuberculosis bacilli that is safer than earlier vaccines.

The people behind the invention:

Albert Calmette (1863-1933), a French microbiologist

Camille Guérin (1872-1961), a French veterinarian and


Robert Koch (1843-1910), a German physician and


Isolating Bacteria

Tuberculosis, once called “consumption,” is a deadly, contagious

disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis,

first identified by the eminent German physician Robert Koch in

1882. The bacterium can be transmitted from person to person by

physical contact or droplet infection (for example, sneezing). The

condition eventually inflames and damages the lungs, causing difficulty

in breathing and failure of the body to deliver sufficient oxygen

to various tissues. It can spread to other body tissues, where

further complications develop.Without treatment, the disease progresses,

disabling and eventually killing the victim. Tuberculosis

normally is treated with a combination of antibiotics and other


Koch developed his approach for identifying bacterial pathogens

(disease producers) with simple equipment, primarily microscopy.

Having taken blood samples from diseased animals, he would

identify and isolate the bacteria he found in the blood. Each strain of

bacteria would be injected into a healthy animal. The latter would

then develop the disease caused by the particular strain.

In 1890, he discovered that a chemical released from tubercular

bacteria elicits a hypersensitive (allergic) reaction in individuals

previously exposed to or suffering from tuberculosis. This chemical,

called “tuberculin,” was isolated from culture extracts in which tubercular

bacteria were being grown.

When small amounts of tuberculin are injected into a person subcutaneously

(beneath the skin), a reddened, inflamed patch approximately

the size of a quarter develops if the person has been exposed

to or is suffering from tuberculosis. Injection of tuberculin into an

uninfected person yields a negative response (that is, no inflammation).

Tuberculin does not harm those being tested.

Tuberculosis’s Weaker Grandchildren

The first vaccine to prevent tuberculosis was developed in 1921

by two French microbiologists, Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin.

Calmette was a student of the eminent French microbiologist Louis

Pasteur at Pasteur’s Institute in Paris. Guérin was a veterinarian

who joined Calmette’s laboratory in 1897. At Lille, Calmette and

Guérin focused their research upon the microbiology of infectious

diseases, especially tuberculosis.

In 1906, they discovered that individuals who had been exposed to

tuberculosis or who had mild infections were developing resistance to

the disease. They found that resistance to tuberculosis was initiated by

the body’s immune system. They also discovered that tubercular bacteria

grown in culture over many generations become progressively

weaker and avirulent, losing their ability to cause disease.

From 1906 through 1921, Calmette and Guérin cultured tubercle

bacilli from cattle. With proper nutrients and temperature, bacteria

can reproduce by fission (that is, one bacterium splits into two bacteria)

in as little time as thirty minutes. Calmette and Guérin cultivated

these bacteria in a bile-derived food medium for thousands of

generations over fifteen years, periodically testing the bacteria for

virulence by injecting them into cattle. After many generations, the

bacteria lost their virulence, their ability to cause disease. Nevertheless,

these weaker, or “avirulent” bacteria still stimulated the animals’

immune systems to produce antibodies. Calmette and Guérin

had successfully bred a strain of avirulent bacteria that could not

cause tuberculosis in cows but could also stimulate immunity against

the disease.

There was considerable concern over whether the avirulent strain

was harmless to humans. Calmette and Guérin continued cultivating

weaker versions of the avirulent strain that retained antibody-

stimulating capacity. By 1921, they had isolated an avirulent antibody-

stimulating strain that was harmless to humans, a strain they

called “Bacillus Calmette-Guérin” (BCG).

In 1922, they began BCG-vaccinating newborn children against

tuberculosis at the Charité Hospital in Paris. The immunized children

exhibited no ill effects from the BCG vaccination. Calmette and

Guérin’s vaccine was so successful in controlling the spread of tuberculosis

in France that it attained widespread use in Europe and

Asia beginning in the 1930’s.


Most bacterial vaccines involve the use of antitoxin or heat- or

chemical-treated bacteria. BCG is one of the few vaccines that use

specially bred live bacteria. Its use sparked some controversy in

the United States and England, where the medical community

questioned its effectiveness and postponed BCG immunization

until the late 1950’s. Extensive testing of the vaccine was performed

at the University of Illinois before it was adopted in the

United States. Its effectiveness is questioned by some physicians to

this day.

Some of the controversy stems from the fact that the avirulent,

antibody-stimulating BCG vaccine conflicts with the tuberculin

skin test. The tuberculin skin test is designed to identify people

suffering from tuberculosis so that they can be treated. A BCGvaccinated

person will have a positive tuberculin skin test similar

to that of a tuberculosis sufferer. If a physician does not know that

a patient has had a BCG vaccination, it will be presumed (incorrectly)

that the patient has tuberculosis. Nevertheless, the BCG

vaccine has been invaluable in curbing the worldwide spread of

tuberculosis, although it has not eradicated the disease.

See also:

Antibacterial drugs; Birth control pill; Penicillin; Polio vaccine (Sabin);

Polio vaccine (Salk)