Friday, April 25, 2014
Thermal cracking process
The invention:
Process that increased the yield of refined gasoline
extracted from raw petroleum by using heat to convert complex
hydrocarbons into simpler gasoline hydrocarbons, thereby making
possible the development of the modern petroleum industry.
The people behind the invention:
William M. Burton (1865-1954), an American chemist
Robert E. Humphreys (1942- ), an American chemist
Gasoline, Motor Vehicles, and Thermal Cracking
Gasoline is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons (chemicals made up
of only hydrogen and carbon) that is used primarily as a fuel for internal
combustion engines. It is produced by petroleum refineries
that obtain it by processing petroleum (crude oil), a naturally occurring
mixture of thousands of hydrocarbons, the molecules of which
can contain from one to sixty carbon atoms.
Gasoline production begins with the “fractional distillation” of
crude oil in a fractionation tower, where it is heated to about 400 degrees
Celsius at the tower’s base. This heating vaporizes most of the
hydrocarbons that are present, and the vapor rises in the tower,
cooling as it does so. At various levels of the tower, various portions
(fractions) of the vapor containing simple hydrocarbon mixtures become
liquid again, are collected, and are piped out as “petroleum
fractions.” Gasoline, the petroleum fraction that boils between 30
and 190 degrees Celsius, is mostly a mixture of hydrocarbons that
contain five to twelve carbon atoms.
Only about 25 percent of petroleum will become gasoline via
fractional distillation. This amount of “straight run” gasoline is not
sufficient to meet the world’s needs. Therefore, numerous methods
have been developed to produce the needed amounts of gasoline.
The first such method, “thermal cracking,” was developed in 1913
by William M. Burton of Standard Oil of Indiana. Burton’s cracking
process used heat to convert complex hydrocarbons (whose molecules
contain many carbon atoms) into simpler gasoline hydrocarbons
(whose molecules contain fewer carbon atoms), thereby increasing
the yield of gasoline from petroleum. Later advances in
petroleum technology, including both an improved Burton method
and other methods, increased the gasoline yield still further.
More Gasoline!
Starting in about 1900, gasoline became important as a fuel for
the internal combustion engines of the new vehicles called automobiles.
By 1910, half a million automobiles traveled American roads.
Soon, the great demand for gasoline—which was destined to grow
and grow—required both the discovery of new crude oil fields
around the world and improved methods for refining the petroleum
mined from these new sources. Efforts were made to increase
the yield of gasoline—at that time, about 15 percent—from petroleum.
The Burton method was the first such method.
At the time that the cracking process was developed, Burton was
the general superintendent of the Whiting refinery, owned by Standard
Oil of Indiana. The Burton process was developed in collaboration
with Robert E. Humphreys and F. M. Rogers. This three-person
research group began work knowing that heating petroleum
fractions that contained hydrocarbons more complex than those
present in gasoline—a process called “coking”—produced kerosene,
coke (a form of carbon), and a small amount of gasoline. The
process needed to be improved substantially, however, before it
could be used commercially.
Initially, Burton and his coworkers used the “heavy fuel” fraction
of petroleum (the 66 percent of petroleum that boils at a temperature
higher than the boiling temperature of kerosene). Soon, they
found that it was better to use only the part of the material that contained
its smaller hydrocarbons (those containing fewer carbon atoms),
all of which were still much larger than those present in gasoline.
The cracking procedure attempted first involved passing the
starting material through a hot tube. This hot-tube treatment vaporized
the material and broke down 20 to 30 percent of the larger hydrocarbons
into the hydrocarbons found in gasoline. Various tarry
products were also produced, however, that reduced the quality of
the gasoline that was obtained in this way.
Next, the investigators attempted to work at a higher temperature
by bubbling the starting material through molten lead. More
gasoline was made in this way, but it was so contaminated with
gummy material that it could not be used. Continued investigation
showed, however, that moderate temperatures (between those used
in the hot-tube experiments and that of molten lead) produced the
best yield of useful gasoline.
The Burton group then had the idea of using high pressure to
“keep starting materials still.” Although the theoretical basis for the
use of high pressure was later shown to be incorrect, the new
method worked quite well. In 1913, the Burton method was patented
and put into use. The first cracked gasoline, called Motor
Spirit, was not very popular, because it was yellowish and had a
somewhat unpleasant odor. The addition of some minor refining
procedures, however, soon made cracked gasoline indistinguishable
from straight run gasoline. Standard Oil of Indiana made huge
profits from cracked gasoline over the next ten years. Ultimately,
thermal cracking subjected the petroleum fractions that were
utilized to temperatures between 550 and 750 degrees Celsius, under
pressures between 250 and 750 pounds per square inch.
In addition to using thermal cracking to make gasoline for sale,
Standard Oil of Indiana also profited by licensing the process for use
by other gasoline producers. Soon, the method was used throughout
the oil industry. By 1920, it had been perfected as much as it
could be, and the gasoline yield from petroleum had been significantly
increased. The disadvantages of thermal cracking include a
relatively low yield of gasoline (compared to those of other methods),
the waste of hydrocarbons in fractions converted to tar and
coke, and the relatively high cost of the process.
A partial solution to these problems was found in “catalytic
cracking”—the next logical step from the Burton method—in which
petroleum fractions to be cracked are mixed with a catalyst (a substance
that causes a chemical reaction to proceed more quickly,
without reacting itself). The most common catalysts used in such
cracking were minerals called “zeolites.” The wide use of catalytic
cracking soon enabled gasoline producers to work at lower temperatures
(450 to 550 degrees Celsius) and pressures (10 to 50 pounds
per square inch). This use decreased manufacturing costs because
catalytic cracking required relatively little energy, produced only
small quantities of undesirable side products, and produced high quality
Various other methods of producing gasoline have been developed—
among them catalytic reforming, hydrocracking, alkylation,
and catalytic isomerization—and now about 60 percent of the petroleum
starting material can be turned into gasoline. These methods,
and others still to come, are expected to ensure that the world’s
needs for gasoline will continue to be satisfied—as long as petroleum
remains available.
See also: Fuel cell; Gas-electric car; Geothermal power; Internal
combustion engine; Oil-well drill bit; Solar thermal engine.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Tevatron accelerator
The invention:
A particle accelerator that generated collisions between
beams of protons and antiprotons at the highest energies
ever recorded.
The people behind the invention:
Robert Rathbun Wilson (1914- ), an American physicist and
director of Fermilab from 1967 to 1978
John Peoples (1933- ), an American physicist and deputy
director of Fermilab from 1987
Putting Supermagnets to Use
The Tevatron is a particle accelerator, a large electromagnetic device
used by high-energy physicists to generate subatomic particles
at sufficiently high energies to explore the basic structure of matter.
The Tevatron is a circular, tubelike track 6.4 kilometers in circumference
that employs a series of superconducting magnets to accelerate
beams of protons, which carry a positive charge in the atom, and
antiprotons, the proton’s negatively charged equivalent, at energies
up to 1 trillion electron volts (equal to 1 teraelectronvolt, or 1 TeV;
hence the name Tevatron). An electronvolt is the unit of energy that
an electron gains through an electrical potential of 1 volt.
The Tevatron is located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
which is also known as Fermilab. The laboratory was one of
several built in the United States during the 1960’s.
The heart of the original Fermilab was the 6.4-kilometer main accelerator
ring. This main ring was capable of accelerating protons to
energies approaching 500 billion electron volts, or 0.5 teraelectronvolt.
The idea to build the Tevatron grew out of a concern for the
millions of dollars spent annually on electricity to power the main
ring, the need for higher energies to explore the inner depths of the
atom and the consequences of new theories of both matter and energy,
and the growth of superconductor technology. Planning for a
second accelerator ring, the Tevatron, to be installed beneath the
main ring began in 1972.
Robert Rathbun Wilson, the director of Fermilab at that time, realized
that the only way the laboratory could achieve the higher energies
needed for future experiments without incurring intolerable
electricity costs was to design a second accelerator ring that employed
magnets made of superconducting material. Extremely powerful
magnets are the heart of any particle accelerator; charged particles
such as protons are given a “push” as they pass through an electromagnetic
field. Each successive push along the path of the circular
accelerator track gives the particle more and more energy. The enormous
magnetic fields required to accelerate massive particles such
as protons to energies approaching 1 trillion electronvolts would require
electricity expenditures far beyond Fermilab’s operating budget.
Wilson estimated that using superconducting materials, however,
which have virtually no resistance to electrical current, would
make it possible for the Tevatron to achieve double the main ring’s
magnetic field strength, doubling energy output without significantly
increasing energy costs.
Tevatron to the Rescue
The Tevatron was conceived in three phases. Most important,
however, were Tevatron I and Tevatron II, where the highest energies
were to be generated and where it was hoped new experimental findings
would emerge. Tevatron II experiments were designed to be
very similar to other proton beam experiments, except that in this
case, the protons would be accelerated to an energy of 1 trillion
electron volts. More important still are the proton-anti proton colliding
beam experiments of Tevatron I. In this phase, beams of protons
and antiprotons rotating in opposite directions are caused to collide
in the Tevatron, producing a combined, or center-of-mass, energy
approaching 2 trillion electron volts, nearly three times the energy
achievable at the largest accelerator at Centre Européen de Recherche
Nucléaire (the European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN).
John Peoples was faced with the problem of generating a beam of
antiprotons of sufficient intensity to collide efficiently with a beam
of protons. Knowing that he had the use of a large proton accelerator—
the old main ring—Peoples employed the two-ring mode in
which 120 billion electron volt protons from the main ring are aimed
at a fixed tungsten target, generating antiprotons, which scatter
from the target. These particles were extracted and accumulated in a
smaller storage ring. These particles could be accelerated to relatively
low energies. After sufficient numbers of antiprotons were
collected, they were injected into the Tevatron, along with a beam of
protons for the colliding beam experiments. On October 13, 1985,
Fermilab scientists reported a proton-antiproton collision with a
center-of-mass energy measured at 1.6 trillion electron volts, the
highest energy ever recorded.
The Tevatron’s success at generating high-energy proton antiproton
collisions affected future plans for accelerator development
in the United States and offered the potential for important
discoveries in high-energy physics at energy levels that no other accelerator
could achieve.
Physics recognized four forces in nature: the electromagnetic
force, the gravitational force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak
nuclear force. A major goal of the physics community is to formulate
a theory that will explain all these forces: the so-called grand
unification theory. In 1967, one of the first of the so-called gauge theories
was developed that unified the weak nuclear force and the
electromagnetic force. One consequence of this theory was that the
weak force was carried by massive particles known as “bosons.”
The search for three of these particles—the intermediate vector bosons
W+, W-, and Z0—led to the rush to conduct colliding beam experiments
to the early 1970’s. Because the Tevatron was in the planning
phase at this time, these particles were discovered by a team of
international scientists based in Europe. In 1989, Tevatron physicists
reported the most accurate measure to date of the Z0 mass.
The Tevatron is thought to be the only particle accelerator in the
world with sufficient power to conduct further searches for the elusive
Higgs boson, a particle attributed to weak interactions by University
of Edinburgh physicist Peter Higgs in order to account for
the large masses of the intermediate vector bosons. In addition, the
Tevatron has the ability to search for the so-called top quark. Quarks
are believed to be the constituent particles of protons and neutrons.
Evidence has been gathered of five of the six quarks believed to exist.
Physicists have yet to detect evidence of the most massive quark,
the top quark.
See also:
Atomic bomb; Cyclotron; Electron microscope; Field ion
microscope; Geiger counter; Hydrogen bomb; Mass spectrograph;
Neutrino detector; Scanning tunneling microscope; Synchrocyclotron.
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