Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Synthetic DNA
The invention:
A method for replicating viral deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) in a test tube that paved the way for genetic engineering.
The people behind the invention:
Arthur Kornberg (1918- ), an American physician and
Robert L. Sinsheimer (1920- ), an American biophysicist
Mehran Goulian (1929- ), a physician and biochemist
The Role of DNA
Until the mid-1940’s, it was believed that proteins were the
carriers of genetic information, the source of heredity. Proteins
appeared to be the only biological molecules that had the complexity
necessary to encode the enormous amount of genetic information
required to reproduce even the simplest organism.
Nevertheless, proteins could not be shown to have genetic properties,
and by 1944, it was demonstrated conclusively that deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) was the material that transmitted hereditary
information. It was discovered that DNA isolated from a
strain of infective bacteria that can cause pneumonia was able to
transform a strain of noninfective bacteria into an infective strain;
in addition, the infectivity trait was transmitted to future generations.
Subsequently, it was established that DNA is the genetic material
in virtually all forms of life.
Once DNA was known to be the transmitter of genetic information,
scientists sought to discover how it performs its role. DNA is a
polymeric molecule composed of four different units, called “deoxynucleotides.”
The units consist of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a
base; they differ only in the nature of the base, which is always one of
four related compounds: adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine. The
way in which such a polymer could transmit genetic information,
however, was difficult to discern. In 1953, biophysicists James D.Watson
and Francis Crick brilliantly determined the three-dimensional
structure of DNAby analyzing X-ray diffraction photographs of DNA
fibers. From their analysis of the structure of DNA,Watson and Crick
inferredDNA’s mechanism of replication. Their work led to an understanding
of gene function in molecular terms.
Watson and Crick showed that DNA has a very long doublestranded
(duplex) helical structure. DNAhas a duplex structure because
each base forms a link to a specific base on the opposite
strand. The discovery of this complementary pairing of bases provided
a model to explain the two essential functions of a hereditary
molecule: It must preserve the genetic code from one generation to
the next, and it must direct the development of the cell.
Watson and Crick also proposed that DNA is able to serve as a
mold (or template) for its own reproduction because the two strands
ofDNApolymer can separate. Upon separation, each strand acts as a
template for the formation of a new complementary strand. An adenine
base in the existing strand gives rise to cytosine, and so on. In
this manner, a new double-stranded DNAis generated that is identical
to the parent DNA.
DNA in a Test Tube
Watson and Crick’s theory provided a valuable model for the reproduction
of DNA, but it did not explain the biological mechanism
by which the process occurs. The biochemical pathway of DNA reproduction
and the role of the enzymes required for catalyzing the
reproduction process were discovered by Arthur Kornberg and his
coworkers. For his success in achievingDNAsynthesis in a test tube
and for discovering and isolating an enzyme—DNA polymerase—
that catalyzed DNA synthesis, Kornberg won the 1959 Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine.
To achieve DNAreplication in a test tube, Kornberg found that a
small amount of preformed DNA must be present, in addition to
DNApolymerase enzyme and all four of the deoxynucleotides that
occur in DNA. Kornberg discovered that the base composition of
the newly made DNAwas determined solely by the base composition
of the preformed DNA, which had been used as a template in
the test-tube synthesis. This result showed that DNA polymerase
obeys instructions dictated by the template DNA. It is thus said to
be “template-directed.” DNA polymerase was the first templatedirected
enzyme to be discovered.
Although test-tube synthesis was a most significant achievement,
important questions about the precise character of the newly
made DNAwere still unanswered. Methods of analyzing the order,
or sequence, of the bases in DNA were not available, and hence it
could not be shown directly whetherDNAmade in the test tube was
an exact copy of the template of DNA or merely an approximate
copy. In addition, some DNAs prepared by DNA polymerase appeared
to be branched structures. Since chromosomes in living cells
contain long, linear, unbranched strands of DNA, this branching
might have indicated that DNA synthesized in a test tube was not
equivalent to DNA synthesized in the living cell.
Kornberg realized that the best way to demonstrate that newly
synthesizedDNAis an exact copy of the original was to test the new
DNAfor biological activity in a suitable system. Kornberg reasoned
that a demonstration of infectivity in viral DNA produced in a test
tube would prove that polymerase-catalyzed synthesis was virtually
error-free and equivalent to natural, biological synthesis. The
experiment, carried out by Kornberg, Mehran Goulian at Stanford
University, and Robert L. Sinsheimer at the California Institute of
Technology, was a complete success. The viral DNAs produced in a
test tube by the DNA polymerase enzyme, using a viral DNA template,
were fully infective. This synthesis showed that DNA polymerase
could copy not merely a single gene but also an entire chromosome
of a small virus without error.
The purification of DNApolymerase and the preparation of biologically
active DNA were major achievements that influenced
biological research on DNA for decades. Kornberg’s methodology
proved to be invaluable in the discovery of other enzymes that synthesize
DNA. These enzymes have been isolated from Escherichia
coli bacteria and fromother bacteria, viruses, and higher organisms.
The test-tube preparation of viral DNA also had significance in
the studies of genes and chromosomes. In the mid-1960’s, it had not
been established that a chromosome contains a continuous strand of
DNA. Kornberg and Sinsheimer’s synthesis of a viral chromosome
proved that it was, indeed, a very long strand of uninterrupted
Kornberg and Sinsheimer’s work laid the foundation for subsequent
recombinant DNAresearch and for genetic engineering technology.
This technology promises to revolutionize both medicine
and agriculture. The enhancement of food production and the generation
of new drugs and therapies are only a few of the subsequent
benefits that may be expected.
See also : Artificial hormone; Cloning; Genetic“fingerprinting”;
Genetically engineered insulin; In vitro plant culture;
Synthetic amino acid;Artificial gene synthesis.
Further Reading
Monday, December 10, 2012
Synthetic amino acid
The invention :
Amethod for synthesizing amino acids by combining
water, hydrogen, methane, and ammonia and exposing the
mixture to an electric spark.
The people behind the invention :
Stanley Lloyd Miller (1930- ), an American professor of
Harold Clayton Urey (1893-1981), an American chemist who
won the 1934 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin (1894-1980), a Russian biochemist
John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (1892-1964), a British scientist
Prebiological Evolution
The origin of life on Earth has long been a tough problem for scientists
to solve. While most scientists can envision the development
of life through geologic time from simple single-cell bacteria
to complex mammals by the processes of mutation and natural selection,
they have found it difficult to develop a theory to define
how organic materials were first formed and organized into lifeforms.
This stage in the development of life before biologic systems
arose, which is called “chemical evolution,” occurred between
4.5 and 3.5 billion years ago. Although great advances in
genetics and biochemistry have shown the intricate workings of
the cell, relatively little light has been shed on the origins of this intricate
machinery of the cell. Some experiments, however, have
provided important data from which to build a scientific theory of
the origin of life. The first of these experiments was the classic
work of Stanley Lloyd Miller.
Miller worked with Harold Clayton Urey, a Nobel laureate, on the
environments of the early earth. John Burdon Sanderson Haldane, a
British biochemist, had suggested in 1929 that the earth’s early atmosphere
was a reducing one—that it contained no free oxygen. In
1952, Urey published a seminal work in planetology, The Planets, in
which he elaborated on Haldane’s suggestion, and he postulated
that the earth had formed from a cold stellar dust cloud. Urey
thought that the earth’s primordial atmosphere probably contained
elements in the approximate relative abundances found in the solar
system and the universe.
It had been discovered in 1929 that the Sun is approximately 87
percent hydrogen, and by 1935 it was known that hydrogen encompassed
the vast majority (92.8 percent) of atoms in the universe.
Urey reasoned that the earth’s early atmosphere contained mostly
hydrogen, with the oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon atoms chemically
bonded to hydrogen to form water, ammonia, and methane. Most
important, free oxygen could not exist in the presence of such an
abundance of hydrogen.
As early as the mid-1920’s, Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin, a Russian
biochemist, had argued that the organic compounds necessary
for life had been built up on the early earth by chemical combinations
in a reducing atmosphere. The energy from the Sun would
have been sufficient to drive the reactions to produce life. Haldane
later proposed that the organic compounds would accumulate in
the oceans to produce a “dilute organic soup” and that life might
have arisen by some unknown process from that mixture of organic
Primordial Soup in a Bottle
Miller combined the ideas of Oparin and Urey and designed a
simple, but elegant, experiment. He decided to mix the gases presumed
to exist in the early atmosphere (water vapor, hydrogen, ammonia,
and methane) and expose them to an electrical spark to determine
which, if any, organic compounds were formed. To do this,
he constructed a relatively simple system, essentially consisting of
two Pyrex flasks connected by tubing in a roughly circular pattern.
The water and gases in the smaller flask were boiled and the resulting
gas forced through the tubing into a larger flask that contained
tungsten electrodes. As the gases passed the electrodes, an electrical
spark was generated, and from this larger flask the gases and any
other compounds were condensed. The gases were recycled through
the system, whereas the organic compounds were trapped in the
bottom of the system.
Miller was trying to simulate conditions that had prevailed on
the early earth. During the one week of operation, Miller extracted
and analyzed the residue of compounds at the bottom of the system.
The results were truly astounding. He found that numerous organic
compounds had, indeed, been formed in only that one week. As
much as 15 percent of the carbon (originally in the gas methane) had
been combined into organic compounds, and at least 5 percent of
the carbon was incorporated into biochemically important compounds.
The most important compounds produced were some of
the twenty amino acids essential to life on Earth.
The formation of amino acids is significant because they are the
building blocks of proteins. Proteins consist of a specific sequence of
amino acids assembled into a well-defined pattern. Proteins are necessary
for life for two reasons. First, they are important structural
materials used to build the cells of the body. Second, the enzymes
that increase the rate of the multitude of biochemical reactions of life
are also proteins. Miller not only had produced proteins in the laboratory
but also had shown clearly that the precursors of proteins—
the amino acids—were easily formed in a reducing environment
with the appropriate energy.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the experiment was the
ease with which the amino acids were formed. Of all the thousands
of organic compounds that are known to chemists, amino acids
were among those that were formed by this simple experiment. This
strongly implied that one of the first steps in chemical evolution was
not only possible but also highly probable. All that was necessary
for the synthesis of amino acids were the common gases of the solar
system, a reducing environment, and an appropriate energy source,
all of which were present on early Earth.
Miller opened an entirely new field of research with his pioneering
experiments. His results showed that much about chemical
evolution could be learned by experimentation in the laboratory.
As a result, Miller and many others soon tried variations on
his original experiment by altering the combination of gases, using
other gases, and trying other types of energy sources. Almost all
the essential amino acids have been produced in these laboratory
Miller’s work was based on the presumed composition of the
primordial atmosphere of Earth. The composition of this atmosphere
was calculated on the basis of the abundance of elements
in the universe. If this reasoning is correct, then it is highly likely
that there are many other bodies in the universe that have similar
atmospheres and are near energy sources similar to the Sun.
Moreover, Miller’s experiment strongly suggests that amino acids,
and perhaps life as well, should have formed on other planets.
See also : Artificial hormone; Artificial kidney .
Further Reading :
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The invention:
A powerful particle accelerator that performed
better than its predecessor, the cyclotron.
The people behind the invention:
Edwin Mattison McMillan (1907-1991), an American physicist
who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1951
Vladimir Iosifovich Veksler (1907-1966), a Soviet physicist
Ernest Orlando Lawrence (1901-1958), an American physicist
Hans Albrecht Bethe (1906- ), a German American physicist
The First Cyclotron
The synchrocyclotron is a large electromagnetic apparatus designed
to accelerate atomic and subatomic particles at high energies.
Therefore, it falls under the broad class of scientific devices
known as “particle accelerators.” By the early 1920’s, the experimental
work of physicists such as Ernest Rutherford and George
Gamow demanded that an artificial means be developed to generate
streams of atomic and subatomic particles at energies much
greater than those occurring naturally. This requirement led Ernest
Orlando Lawrence to develop the cyclotron, the prototype for most
modern accelerators. The synchrocyclotron was developed in response
to the limitations of the early cyclotron.
In September, 1930, Lawrence announced the basic principles behind
the cyclotron. Ionized—that is, electrically charged—particles
are admitted into the central section of a circular metal drum. Once
inside the drum, the particles are exposed to an electric field alternating
within a constant magnetic field. The combined action of the
electric and magnetic fields accelerates the particles into a circular
path, or orbit. This increases the particles’ energy and orbital radii.
This process continues until the particles reach the desired energy
and velocity and are extracted from the machine for use in experiments
ranging from particle-to-particle collisions to the synthesis of
radioactive elements.
Although Lawrence was interested in the practical applications
of his invention in medicine and biology, the cyclotron also was applied
to a variety of experiments in a subfield of physics called
“high-energy physics.” Among the earliest applications were studies
of the subatomic, or nuclear, structure of matter. The energetic
particles generated by the cyclotron made possible the very type of
experiment that Rutherford and Gamow had attempted earlier.
These experiments, which bombarded lithium targets with streams
of highly energetic accelerated protons, attempted to probe the inner
structure of matter.
Although funding for scientific research on a large scale was
scarce beforeWorldWar II (1939-1945), Lawrence nevertheless conceived
of a 467-centimeter cyclotron that would generate particles
with energies approaching 100 million electronvolts. By the end of
the war, increases in the public and private funding of scientific research
and a demand for higher-energy particles created a situation
in which this plan looked as if it would become reality, were it not
for an inherent limit in the physics of cyclotron operation.
Overcoming the Problem of Mass
In 1937, Hans Albrecht Bethe discovered a severe theoretical limitation
to the energies that could be produced in a cyclotron. Physicist
Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity had demonstrated
that as any mass particle gains velocity relative to the speed of light,
its mass increases. Bethe showed that this increase in mass would
eventually slow the rotation of each particle. Therefore, as the rotation
of each particle slows and the frequency of the alternating electric
field remains constant, particle velocity will decrease eventually.
This factor set an upper limit on the energies that any cyclotron
could produce.
Edwin Mattison McMillan, a colleague of Lawrence at Berkeley,
proposed a solution to Bethe’s problem in 1945. Simultaneously and
independently, Vladimir Iosifovich Veksler of the Soviet Union proposed
the same solution. They suggested that the frequency of the
alternating electric field be slowed to meet the decreasing rotational
frequencies of the accelerating particles—in essence, “synchroniz-
ing” the electric field with the moving particles. The result was the
Prior toWorldWar II, Lawrence and his colleagues had obtained
the massive electromagnet for the new 100-million-electronvolt cyclotron.
This 467-centimeter magnet would become the heart of the
new Berkeley synchrocyclotron. After initial tests proved successful,
the Berkeley team decided that it would be reasonable to convert
the cyclotron magnet for use in a new synchrocyclotron. The
apparatus was operational in November of 1946.
These high energies combined with economic factors to make the
synchrocyclotron a major achievement for the Berkeley Radiation
Laboratory. The synchrocyclotron required less voltage to produce
higher energies than the cyclotron because the obstacles cited by
Bethe were virtually nonexistent. In essence, the energies produced
by synchrocyclotrons are limited only by the economics of building
them. These factors led to the planning and construction of other
synchrocyclotrons in the United States and Europe. In 1957, the
Berkeley apparatus was redesigned in order to achieve energies of
720 million electronvolts, at that time the record for cyclotrons of
any kind.
Previously, scientists had had to rely on natural sources for highly
energetic subatomic and atomic particles with which to experiment.
In the mid-1920’s, the American physicist Robert Andrews Millikan
began his experimental work in cosmic rays, which are one natural
source of energetic particles called “mesons.” Mesons are charged
particles that have a mass more than two hundred times that of the
electron and are therefore of great benefit in high-energy physics experiments.
In February of 1949, McMillan announced the first synthetically
produced mesons using the synchrocyclotron.
McMillan’s theoretical development led not only to the development
of the synchrocyclotron but also to the development of the
electron synchrotron, the proton synchrotron, the microtron, and
the linear accelerator. Both proton and electron synchrotrons have
been used successfully to produce precise beams of muons and pimesons,
or pions (a type of meson).
The increased use of accelerator apparatus ushered in a new era
of physics research, which has become dominated increasingly by
large accelerators and, subsequently, larger teams of scientists and
engineers required to run individual experiments. More sophisticated
machines have generated energies in excess of 2 trillion
electronvolts at the United States’ Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
or Fermilab, in Illinois. Part of the huge Tevatron apparatus
at Fermilab, which generates these particles, is a proton synchrotron,
a direct descendant of McMillan and Lawrence’s early
See also: Atomic bomb; Cyclotron; Electron microscope;
Field ionmicroscope; Geiger counter; Hydrogen bomb;
Mass spectrograph;Neutrino detector; Scanning tunneling microscope;
Further Reading :
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