Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Robot (household)
The invention:
The first available personal robot, Hero 1 could
speak; carry small objects in a gripping arm, and sense light, motion,
sound, and time.
The people behind the invention:
Karel Capek (1890-1938), a Czech playwright
The Health Company, an American electronics manufacturer
Personal Robots
In 1920, the Czech playwright Karel Capek introduced the term
robot, which he used to refer to intelligent, humanoid automatons
that were subservient to humans. Robots such as those described
by Capek have not yet been developed; their closest counterparts
are the nonintelligent automatons used by industry and by private
individuals. Most industrial robots are heavy-duty, immobile machines
designed to replace humans in routine, undesirable, monotonous
jobs. Most often, they use programmed gripping arms to
carry out tasks such as spray painting cars, assembling watches,
and shearing sheep.
Modern personal robots are smaller, more mobile, less expensive
models that serve mostly as toys or teaching tools. In some
cases, they can be programmed to carry out activities such as walking
dogs or serving mixed drinks. Usually, however, it takes more
effort to program a robot to perform such activities than it does to
do them oneself.
The Hero 1, which was first manufactured by the Heath Company
in 1982, has been a very popular personal robot. Conceived
as a toy and a teaching tool, the Hero 1 can be programmed
to speak; to sense light, sound, motion, and time; and
to carry small objects. The Hero 1 and other personal robots are
often viewed as tools that will someday make it possible to produce
intelligent robots.
Hero 1 Operation
The concept of artificial beings serving humanity has existed
since antiquity (for example, it is found in Greek mythology). Such
devices, which are now called robots, were first actualized, in a
simple form, in the 1960’s. Then, in the mid-1970’s, the manufacture
of personal robots began. One of the first personal robots was
the Turtle, which was made by the Terrapin Company of Cambridge,
Massachusetts. The Turtle was a toy that entertained owners
via remote control, programmable motion, a beeper, and blinking
displays. The Turtle was controlled by a computer to which it
was linked by a cable.
Among the first significant personal robots was the Hero 1. This
robot, which was usually sold in the form of a $1,000 kit that had to
be assembled, is a squat, thirty-nine-pound mobile unit containing a
head, a body, and a base. The head contains control boards, sensors,
and a manipulator arm. The body houses control boards and related
electronics, while the base contains a three-wheel-drive unit that
renders the robot mobile.
The Heath Company, which produced the Hero 1, viewed it as
providing entertainment for and teaching people who are interested
in robot applications. To facilitate these uses, the following
abilities were incorporated into the Hero 1: independent operation
via rechargeable batteries; motion- and distance/position-sensing
capability; light, sound, and language use/recognition; a manipulator
arm to carry out simple tasks; and easy programmability.
The Hero 1 is powered by four rechargeable batteries arranged as
two 12-volt power supplies. Recharging is accomplished by means
of a recharging box that is plugged into a home outlet. It takes six to
eight hours to recharge depleted batteries, and complete charging is
signaled by an indicator light. In the functioning robot, the power
supplies provide 5-volt and 12-volt outputs to logic and motor circuits,
The Hero 1 moves by means of a drive mechanism in its base. The
mechanism contains three wheels, two of which are unpowered
drones. The third wheel, which is powered for forward and reverse
motion, is connected to a stepper motor that makes possible directional
steering. Also included in the powered wheel is a metal disk with spaced reflective slots that helps Hero 1 to identify its position.
As the robot moves, light is used to count the slots, and the slot
count is used to measure the distance the robot has traveled, and
therefore its position.
The robot’s “senses,” located in its head, consist of sound, light,
and motion detectors as well as a phoneme synthesizer (phonemes
are sounds, or units of speech). All these components are connected
with the computer. The Hero 1 can detect sounds between 200 and
5,000 hertz. Its motion sensor detects all movement within a 15-foot
radius. The phoneme synthesizer is capable of producing most
words by using combinations of 64 phonemes. In addition, the robot
keeps track of time by using an internal clock/calendar.
The Hero 1 can carry out various tasks by using a gripper that
serves as a hand. The arm on which the gripper is located is connected
to the back of the robot’s head. The head (and, therefore, the
arm) can rotate 350 degrees horizontally. In addition, the arm contains
a shoulder motor that allows it to rise or drop 150 degrees vertically,
and its forearm can be either extended or retracted. Finally, a
wrist motor allows the gripper’s tip to rotate by 350 degrees, and the
two-fingered gripper can open up to a maximum width of 3.5
inches. The arm is not useful except as an educational tool, since its
load-bearing capacity is only about a pound and its gripper can exert
a force of only 6 ounces.
The computational capabilities of the robot are much more impressive
than its physical capabilities. Programming is accomplished
by means of a simple keypad located on the robot’s head, which
provides an inexpensive, easy-to-use method of operator-computer
communication. To make things simpler for users who want entertainment
without having to learn robotics, a manual mode is included
for programming. In the manual mode, a hand-held teaching
pendant is connected to Hero 1 and used to program all the
motion capabilities of the robot. The programming of sensory and
language abilities, however, must be accomplished by using the
keyboard. Using the keyboard and the various options that are
available enables Hero 1 owners to program the robot to perform
many interesting activities.
The Hero 1 had a huge impact on robotics; thousands of people
purchased it and used it for entertainment, study, and robot design.
The Heath Company itself learned from the Hero 1 and later introduced
an improved version: Heathkit 2000. This personal robot,
which costs between $2,000 and $4,500, has ten times the capabilities
of Hero 1, operates via radio-controlled keyboard, contains a
voice synthesizer that can be programmed in any language, and
plugs itself in for recharging.
Other companies, including the Androbot Company in California,
have manufactured personal robots that sell for up to $10,000.
One such robot is the Androbot BOB (brains on board). It can guard
a home, call the police, walk at 2.5 kilometers per hour, and sing.
Androbot has also designed Topo, a personal robot that can serve
drinks. Still other robots can sort laundry and/or vacuum-clean
houses. Although modern robots lack intelligence and merely have
the ability to move when they are directed to by a program or by remote
control, there is no doubt that intelligent robots will be developed
in the future.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Richter scale
The invention:
A scale for measuring the strength of earthquakes
based on their seismograph recordings.
The people behind the invention:
Charles F. Richter (1900-1985), an American seismologist
Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), a German American seismologist
Kiyoo Wadati (1902- ), a pioneering Japanese seismologist
Giuseppe Mercalli (1850-1914), an Italian physicist,volcanologist, and meteorologist
Earthquake Study by Eyewitness Report
Earthquakes range in strength from barely detectable tremors to
catastrophes that devastate large regions and take hundreds of thousands
of lives. Yet the human impact of earthquakes is not an accurate
measure of their power; minor earthquakes in heavily populated regions
may cause great destruction, whereas powerful earthquakes in
remote areas may go unnoticed. To study earthquakes, it is essential
to have an accurate means of measuring their power.
The first attempt to measure the power of earthquakes was the
development of intensity scales, which relied on damage effects
and reports by witnesses to measure the force of vibration. The
first such scale was devised by geologists Michele Stefano de Rossi
and François-Alphonse Forel in 1883. It ranked earthquakes on a
scale of 1 to 10. The de Rossi-Forel scale proved to have two serious
limitations: Its level 10 encompassed a great range of effects, and its
description of effects on human-made and natural objects was so specifically
European that it was difficult to apply the scale elsewhere.
To remedy these problems, Giuseppe Mercalli published a revised
intensity scale in 1902. The Mercalli scale, as it came to be
called, added two levels to the high end of the de Rossi-Forel scale,
making its highest level 12. It also was rewritten to make it more
globally applicable. With later modifications by Charles F. Richter,
the Mercalli scale is still in use.
Intensity measurements, even though they are somewhat subjective, are very useful in mapping the extent of earthquake effects.
Nevertheless, intensity measurements are still not ideal measuring
techniques. Intensity varies from place to place and is strongly influenced
by geologic features, and different observers frequently report
different intensities. There is a need for an objective method of
describing the strength of earthquakes with a single measurement.
Measuring Earthquakes One Hundred Kilometers Away
An objective technique for determining the power of earthquakes
was devised in the early 1930’s by Richter at the California Institute
of Technology in Pasadena, California. The eventual usefulness of
the scale that came to be called the “Richter scale” was completely
unforeseen at first.
In 1931, the California Institute of Technology was preparing to
issue a catalog of all earthquakes detected by its seismographs in the
preceding three years. Several hundred earthquakes were listed,
most of which had not been felt by humans, but detected only by instruments.
Richter was concerned about the possible misinterpretations
of the listing. With no indication of the strength of the earthquakes,
the public might overestimate the risk of earthquakes in
areas where seismographs were numerous and underestimate the
risk in areas where seismographs were few.
To remedy the lack of a measuring method, Richter devised the
scale that now bears his name. On this scale, earthquake force is expressed
in magnitudes, which in turn are expressed in whole numbers
and decimals. Each increase of one magnitude indicates a tenfold jump
in the earthquake’s force. These measurements were defined for a
standard seismograph located one hundred kilometers fromthe earthquake.
By comparing records for earthquakes recorded on different devices at different distances,
Richter was able to create conversion tables
for measuring magnitudes for any instrument at any distance.
Richter had hoped to create a rough means of separating small,
medium, and large earthquakes, but he found that the scale was capable
of making much finer distinctions. Most magnitude estimates
made with a variety of instruments at various distances from earthquakes
agreed to within a few tenths of a magnitude. Richter formally
published a description of his scale in January, 1935, in the
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Other systems of estimating
magnitude had been attempted, notably that of KiyooWadati,
published in 1931, but Richter’s system proved to be the most workable
scale yet devised and rapidly became the standard.
Over the next few years, the scale was refined. One critical refinement
was in the way seismic recordings were converted into magnitude.
Earthquakes produce many types of waves, but it was not
known which type should be the standard for magnitude. So-called
surface waves travel along the surface of the earth. It is these waves
that produce most of the damage in large earthquakes; therefore, it
seemed logical to let these waves be the standard. Earthquakes deep
within the earth, however, produce few surface waves. Magnitudes
based on surface waves would therefore be too small for these earthquakes.
Deep earthquakes produce mostly waves that travel through
the solid body of the earth; these are the so-called body waves.
It became apparent that two scales were needed: one based on
surface waves and one on body waves. Richter and his colleague
Beno Gutenberg developed scales for the two different types of
waves, which are still in use. Magnitudes estimated from surface
waves are symbolized by a capital M, and those based on body
waves are denoted by a lowercase m.
From a knowledge of Earth movements associated with seismic
waves, Richter and Gutenberg succeeded in defining the energy
output of an earthquake in measurements of magnitude. A magnitude
6 earthquake releases about as much energy as a one-megaton
nuclear explosion; a magnitude 0 earthquake releases about as
much energy as a small car dropped off a two-story building.
Charles F. Richter
Charles Francis Richter was born in Ohio in 1900. After his
mother divorced his father, she moved the family to Los Angles
in 1909. Aprecocious student, Richter entered the University of
Southern California at sixteen and transferred to Stanford University
a year later, majoring in physics. He graduated in 1920
and finished a doctorate in theoretical physics at the California
Institute of Technology in 1928.
While Richter was a graduate student at Caltech, Noble laureate
Robert A. Millikan lured him away from his original interest,
astronomy, to become an assistant at the seismology laboratory.
Richter realized that seismology was then a relatively new
discipline and that he could help it mature. He stayed with it—
and Caltech—for the rest of his university career, retiring as
professor emeritus in 1970. In 1971 he opened a consulting
firm—Lindvall, Richter and Associates—to assess the earthquake
readiness of structures.
Richter published more than two hundred articles about
earthquakes and earthquake engineering and two influential
books, Elementary Seismology and Seismicity of the Earth (with
Beno Gutenberg). These works, together with his teaching,
trained a generation of earthquake researchers and gave them a
basic tool, the Richter scale, to work with. He died in California
in 1985.
Charles F. Richter,
Richter scale,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rice and wheat strains
The invention:
Artificially created high-yielding wheat and rice
varieties that are helping food producers in developing countries
keep pace with population growth
The people behind the invention:
Orville A. Vogel (1907-1991), an agronomist who developed
high-yielding semidwarf winter wheats and equipment for
wheat research
Norman E. Borlaug (1914- ), a distinguished agricultural
Robert F. Chandler, Jr. (1907-1999), an international agricultural
consultant and director of the International Rice Research
Institute, 1959-1972
William S. Gaud (1907-1977), a lawyer and the administrator of
the U.S. Agency for International Development, 1966-1969
The Problem of Hunger
In the 1960’s, agricultural scientists created new, high-yielding
strains of rice and wheat designed to fight hunger in developing
countries. Although the introduction of these new grains raised levels
of food production in poor countries, population growth and
other factors limited the success of the so-called “Green Revolution.”
Before World War II, many countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America exported grain toWestern Europe. After the war, however,
these countries began importing food, especially from the United
States. By 1960, they were importing about nineteen million tons of
grain a year; that level nearly doubled to thirty-six million tons in
1966. Rapidly growing populations forced the largest developing
countries—China, India, and Brazil in particular—to import huge
amounts of grain. Famine was averted on the Indian subcontinent
in 1966 and 1967 only by the United States shipping wheat to the region.
The United States then changed its food policy. Instead of contributing
food aid directly to hungry countries, the U.S. began working to help such countries feed themselves.
The new rice and wheat strains were introduced just as countries
in Africa and Asia were gaining their independence from the European
nations that had colonized them. The ColdWar was still going
strong, and Washington and other Western capitals feared that the
Soviet Union was gaining influence in the emerging countries. To
help counter this threat, the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) was active in the ThirdWorld in the 1960’s, directing
or contributing to dozens of agricultural projects, including building
rural infrastructure (farm-to-market roads, irrigation projects,
and rural electric systems), introducing modern agricultural techniques,
and importing fertilizer or constructing fertilizer factories in
other countries. By raising the standard of living of impoverished
people in developing countries through applying technology to agriculture,
policymakers hoped to eliminate the socioeconomic conditions
that would support communism.
The Green Revolution
It was against this background thatWilliam S. Gaud, administrator
of USAID from 1966 to 1969, first talked about a “green revolution”
in a 1968 speech before the Society for International Development
in Washington, D.C. The term “green revolution” has
been used to refer to both the scientific development of highyielding
food crops and the broader socioeconomic changes in a
country’s agricultural sector stemming from farmers’ adoption of
these crops.
In 1947, S. C. Salmon, a United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) scientist, brought a wheat-dwarfing gene to the United
States. Developed in Japan, the gene produced wheat on a short
stalk that was strong enough to bear a heavy head of grain. Orville
Vogel, another USDA scientist, then introduced the gene into local
wheat strains, creating a successful dwarf variety known as Gaines
wheat. Under irrigation, Gaines wheat produced record yields. After
hearing about Vogel’s work, Norman Borlaug, who headed
the Rockefeller Foundation’s wheat-breeding program in Mexico,
adapted Gaines wheat, later called “miracle wheat,” to a variety of
growing conditions in Mexico.
Success with the development of high-yielding wheat varieties
persuaded the Rockefeller and Ford foundations to pursue similar
ends in rice culture. The foundations funded the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Banos, Philippines, appointing as director
Robert F. Chandler, Jr., an international agricultural consultant.
Under his leadership, IRRI researchers cross-bred Peta, a tall variety
of rice from Indonesia, with Deo-geo-woo-gen, a dwarf rice from Taiwan,
to produce a new strain, IR-8. Released in 1966 and dubbed
“miracle rice,” IR-8 produced yields double those of other Asian rice
varieties and in a shorter time, 120 days in contrast to 150 to 180 days.
Statistics from India illustrate the expansion of the new grain varieties.
During the 1966-1967 growing season, Indian farmers planted
improved rice strains on 900,000 hectares, or 2.5 percent of the total
area planted in rice. By 1984-1985, the surface area planted in improved
rice varieties stood at 23.4 million hectares, or 56.9 percent of
the total. The rate of adoption was even faster for wheat. In 1966-
1967, improved varieties covered 500,000 hectares, comprising 4.2
percent of the total wheat crop. By the 1984-1985 growing season,
the surface area had expanded to 19.6 million hectares, or 82.9 percent
of the total wheat crop.
To produce such high yields, IR-8 and other genetically engineered
varieties of rice and wheat required the use of irrigation, fertilizers,
and pesticides. Irrigation further increased food production
by allowing year-round farming and the planting of multiple crops
on the same plot of land, either two crops of high-yielding grain varieties
or one grain crop and another food crop.
The rationale behind the introduction of high-yielding grains in
developing countries was that it would start a cycle of improvement
in the lives of the rural poor. High-yielding grains would lead to
bigger harvests and better-nourished and healthier families. If better
nutrition enabled more children to survive, the need to have large
families to ensure care for elderly parents would ease. Ahigher survival
rate of children would lead couples to use family planning,
slowing overall population growth and allowing per capita food intake
to rise.
The greatest impact of the Green Revolution has been seen in
Asia, which experienced dramatic increases in rice production, and
on the Indian subcontinent, with increases in rice and wheat yields.
Latin America, especially Mexico, enjoyed increases in wheat harvests.
Subsaharan Africa initially was left out of the revolution, as
scientists paid scant attention to increasing the yields of such staple
food crops as yams, cassava, millet, and sorghum. By the 1980’s,
however, this situation was being remedied with new research directed
toward millet and sorghum.
Research is conducted by a network of international agricultural
research centers. Backed by both public and private funds, these
centers cooperate with international assistance agencies, private
foundations, universities, multinational corporations, and government
agencies to pursue and disseminate research into improved
crop varieties to farmers in the Third World. IRRI and the International
Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (IMMYT) in Mexico
City are two of these agencies.
Expectations went unrealized in the first few decades following
the green revolution. Despite the higher yields from millions of
tons of improved grain seeds imported into the developing world,
lower-yielding grains still accounted for much of the surface area
planted in grain. The reasons for this explain the limits and impact
of the Green Revolution.
The subsistence mentality dies hard. The main targets of Green
Revolution programs were small farmers, people whose crops provide
barely enough to feed their families and provide seed for the
next crop. If an experimental grain failed, they faced starvation.
Such farmers hedged their bets when faced with a new proposition,
for example, by intercropping, alternating rows of different grains
in the same field. In this way, even if one crop failed, another might
feed the family.
Poor farmers in developing countries also were likely to be illiterate
and not eager to try something they did not fully understand.
Also, by definition, poor farmers often did not have the means to
purchase the inputs—irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticides—required
to grow the improved varieties.
In many developing countries, therefore, rich farmers tended to be
the innovators. More likely than poor farmers to be literate, they also
had the money to exploit fully the improved grain varieties. They
also were more likely than subsistence-level farmers to be in touch
with the monetary economy, making purchases from the agricultural
supply industry and arranging sales through established marketing
channels, rather than producing primarily for personal or family use.
Once wealthy farmers adopted the new grains, it often became
more difficult for poor farmers to do so. Increased demand for limited
supplies, such as pesticides and fertilizers, raised costs, while
bigger-than-usual harvests depressed market prices.With high sales
volumes, owners of large farms could withstand the higher costs and
lower-per-unit profits, but smaller farmers often could not.
Often, the result of adopting improved grains was that small
farmers could no longer make ends meet solely by farming. Instead,
they were forced to hire themselves out as laborers on large farms.
Surges of laborers into a limited market depressed rural wages,
making it even more difficult for small farmers to eke out a living.
The result was that rich farmers got richer and poor farmers got
poorer. Often, small farmers who could no longer support their
families would leave rural areas and migrate to the cities, seeking
work and swelling the ranks of the urban poor.
Mixed Results
The effects of the Green Revolution were thus mixed. The dissemination
of improved grain varieties unquestionably increased
grain harvests in some of the poorest countries of the world. Seed
companies developed, produced, and sold commercial quantities of
improved grains, and fertilizer and pesticide manufacturers logged
sales to developing countries thanks to USAID-sponsored projects.
Along with disrupting the rural social structure and encouraging
rural flight to the cities, the Green Revolution has had other negative
effects. For example, the millions of tube wells sunk in India to
irrigate crops reduced groundwater levels in some regions faster
than they could be recharged. In other areas, excessive use of pesticides
created health hazards, and fertilizer use led to streams and
ponds being clogged by weeds. The scientific community became
concerned that the use of improved varieties of grain, many of
which were developed from the same mother variety, reduced the
genetic diversity of the world’s food crops, making them especially
vulnerable to attack by disease or pests.
Perhaps the most significant impact of the Green Revolution is
the change it wrought in the income and class structure of rural areas;
often, malnutrition was not eliminated in either the countryside
or the cities. Almost without exception, the relative position of peasants
deteriorated. Many analysts admit that the Green Revolution
did not end world hunger, but they argue that it did buy time. The
poorest of the poor would be even worse off without it.
The invention: A drug with unique hypertension-decreasing effects
that provides clinical medicine with a versatile and effective
The people behind the invention:
Robert Wallace Wilkins (1906- ), an American physician and
clinical researcher
Walter E. Judson (1916- ) , an American clinical researcher
Treating Hypertension
Excessively elevated blood pressure, clinically known as “hypertension,”
has long been recognized as a pervasive and serious human
malady. In a few cases, hypertension is recognized as an effect
brought about by particular pathologies (diseases or disorders). Often,
however, hypertension occurs as the result of unknown causes.
Despite the uncertainty about its origins, unattended hypertension
leads to potentially dramatic health problems, including increased
risk of kidney disease, heart disease, and stroke.
Recognizing the need to treat hypertension in a relatively straightforward
and effective way, Robert Wallace Wilkins, a clinical researcher
at Boston University’s School of Medicine and the head of
Massachusetts Memorial Hospital’s Hypertension Clinic, began to
experiment with reserpine in the early 1950’s. Initially, the samples
that were made available to Wilkins were crude and unpurified.
Eventually, however, a purified version was used.
Reserpine has a long and fascinating history of use—both clinically
and in folk medicine—in India. The source of reserpine is the
root of the shrub Rauwolfia serpentina, first mentioned in Western
medical literature in the 1500’s but virtually unknown, or at least
unaccepted, outside India until the mid-twentieth century. Crude
preparations of the shrub had been used for a variety of ailments in
India for centuries prior to its use in the West.
Wilkins’s work with the drug did not begin on an encouraging
note, because reserpine does not act rapidly—a fact that had been
noted in Indian medical literature. The standard observation in
Western pharmacotherapy, however, was that most drugs work
rapidly; if a week has elapsed without positive effects being shown
by a drug, the conventional Western wisdom is that it is unlikely
to work at all. Additionally, physicians and patients alike tend to
look for rapid improvement or at least positive indications. Reserpine
is deceptive in this temporal context, andWilkins and his
coworkers were nearly deceived. In working with crude preparations
of Rauwolfia serpentina, they were becoming very pessimistic,
when a patient who had been treated for many consecutive
days began to show symptomatic relief. Nevertheless, only after
months of treatment did Wilkins become a believer in the drug’s
beneficial effects.
The Action of Reserpine
When preparations of pure reserpine became available in 1952,
the drug did not at first appear to be the active ingredient in the
crude preparations. When patients’ heart rate and blood pressure
began to drop after weeks of treatment, however, the investigators
saw that reserpine was indeed responsible for the improvements.
Once reserpine’s activity began, Wilkins observed a number of
important and unique consequences. Both the crude preparations
and pure reserpine significantly reduced the two most meaningful
measures of blood pressure. These two measures are systolic blood
pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic pressure represents
the peak of pressure produced in the arteries following a contraction
of the heart. Diastolic pressure is the low point that occurs
when the heart is resting. To lower the mean blood pressure in the
system significantly, both of these pressures must be reduced. The
administration of low doses of reserpine produced an average drop
in pressure of about 15 percent, a figure that was considered less
than dramatic but still highly significant. The complex phenomenon
of blood pressure is determined by a multitude of factors, including
the resistance of the arteries, the force of contraction of the
heart, and the heartbeat rate. In addition to lowering the blood pressure,
reserpine reduced the heartbeat rate by about 15 percent, providing
an important auxiliary action.
In the early 1950’s, various therapeutic drugs were used to treat
hypertension. Wilkins recognized that reserpine’s major contribution
would be as a drug that could be used in combination with
drugs that were already in use. His studies established that reserpine,
combined with at least one of the drugs already in use, produced
an additive effect in lowering blood pressure. Indeed, at
times, the drug combinations produced a “synergistic effect,” which
means that the combination of drugs created an effect that was more
effective than the sum of the effects of the drugs when they were administered
alone. Wilkins also discovered that reserpine was most
effective when administered in low dosages. Increasing the dosage
did not increase the drug’s effect significantly, but it did increase the
likelihood of unwanted side effects. This fact meant that reserpine
was indeed most effective when administered in low dosages along
with other drugs.
Wilkins believed that reserpine’s most unique effects were not
those found directly in the cardiovascular system but those produced
indirectly by the brain. Hypertension is often accompanied
by neurotic anxiety, which is both a consequence of the justifiable
fears of future negative health changes brought on by
prolonged hypertension and contributory to the hypertension itself.
Wilkins’s patients invariably felt better mentally, were less
anxious, and were sedated, but in an unusual way. Reserpine
made patients drowsy but did not generally cause sleep, and if
sleep did occur, patients could be awakened easily. Such effects
are now recognized as characteristic of tranquilizing drugs, or
antipsychotics. In effect, Wilkins had discovered a new and important
category of drugs: tranquilizers.
Reserpine holds a vital position in the historical development of
antihypertensive drugs for two reasons. First, it was the first drug
that was discovered to block activity in areas of the nervous system
that use norepinephrine or its close relative dopamine as transmitter
substances. Second, it was the first hypertension drug to be
widely accepted and used. Its unusual combination of characteristics
made it effective in most patients.
Since the 1950’s, medical science has rigorously examined cardiovascular
functioning and diseases such as hypertension. Many
new factors, such as diet and stress, have been recognized as factors
in hypertension. Controlling diet and life-style help tremendously
in treating hypertension, but if the nervous system could not be partially
controlled, many cases of hypertension would continue to be
problematic. Reserpine has made that control possible.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Refrigerant gas
The invention: A safe refrigerant gas for domestic refrigerators,
dichlorodifluoromethane helped promote a rapid growth in the
acceptance of electrical refrigerators in homes.
The people behind the invention:
Thomas Midgley, Jr. (1889-1944), an American engineer and
Charles F. Kettering (1876-1958), an American engineer and
inventor who was the head of research for General Motors
Albert Henne (1901-1967), an American chemist who was
Midgley’s chief assistant
Frédéric Swarts (1866-1940), a Belgian chemist
Toxic Gases
Refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners have had a major impact
on the way people live and work in the twentieth century.With
them, people can live more comfortably in hot and humid areas,
and a great variety of perishable foods can be transported and
stored for extended periods. As recently as the early nineteenth century,
the foods most regularly available to Americans were bread
and salted meats. Items now considered essential to a balanced diet,
such as vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, were produced and
consumed only in small amounts.
Through the early part of the twentieth century, the pattern of
food storage and distribution evolved to make perishable foods
more available. Farmers shipped dairy products and frozen meats
to mechanically refrigerated warehouses. Smaller stores and most
American households used iceboxes to keep perishable foods fresh.
The iceman was a familiar figure on the streets of American towns,
delivering large blocks of ice regularly.
In 1930, domestic mechanical refrigerators were being produced
in increasing numbers. Most of them were vapor compression machines,
in which a gas was compressed in a closed system of pipes
outside the refrigerator by a mechanical pump and condensed to a liquid. The liquid was pumped into a sealed chamber in the refrigerator
and allowed to evaporate to a gas. The process of evaporation
removes heat from the environment, thus cooling the interior of the
The major drawback of early home refrigerators involved the
types of gases used. In 1930, these included ammonia, sulfur dioxide,
and methyl chloride. These gases were acceptable if the refrigerator’s
gas pipes never sprang a leak. Unfortunately, leaks sometimes
occurred, and all these gases are toxic. Ammonia and sulfur
dioxide both have unpleasant odors; if they leaked, at least they
would be detected rapidly. Methyl chloride however, can form a
dangerously explosive mixture with air, and it has only a very faint,
and not unpleasant, odor. In a hospital in Cleveland during the
1920’s, a refrigerator with methyl chloride leaked, and there was a
disastrous explosion of the methyl chloride-air mixture. After that,
methyl chloride for use in refrigerators was mixed with a small
amount of a very bad-smelling compound to make leaks detectable.
(The same tactic is used with natural gas.)
Three-Day Success
General Motors, through its Frigidaire division, had a substantial
interest in the domestic refrigerator market. Frigidaire refrigerators
used sulfur dioxide as the refrigerant gas. Charles F. Kettering,
director of research for General Motors, decided that Frigidaire
needed a new refrigerant gas that would have good thermal properties
but would be nontoxic and nonexplosive. In early 1930, he sent
Lester S. Keilholtz, chief engineer of General Motors’ Frigidaire division,
to Thomas Midgley, Jr., a mechanical engineer and selftaught
chemist. He challenged them to develop such a new gas.
Midgley’s associates, Albert Henne and Robert McNary, researched
what types of compounds might already fit Kettering’s specifications.
Working with research that had been done by the Belgian
chemist Frédéric Swarts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, Midgley, Henne, and McNary realized that dichlorodifluoromethane
would have ideal thermal properties and the right
boiling point for a refrigerant gas. The only question left to be answered
was whether the compound was toxic.
The chemists prepared a few grams of dichlorodifluoromethane
and put it, along with a guinea pig, into a closed chamber. They
were delighted to see that the animal seemed to suffer no ill effects
at all and was able to breathe and move normally. They were briefly
puzzled when a second batch of the compound killed a guinea pig
almost instantly. Soon, they discovered that an impurity in one of
the ingredients had produced a potent poison in their refrigerant
gas. A simple washing procedure completely removed the poisonous
This astonishingly successful research project was completed in
three days. The boiling point of dichlorodifluoromethane is -5.6 degrees
Celsius. It is nontoxic and nonflammable and possesses excellent
thermal properties. When Midgley was awarded the Perkin
Medal for industrial chemistry in 1937, he gave the audience a
graphic demonstration of the properties of dichlorodifluoromethane:
He inhaled deeply of its vapors and exhaled gently into a jar
containing a burning candle. The candle flame promptly went out.
This visual evidence proved that dichlorodifluoromethane was not
poisonous and would not burn.
The availability of this safe refrigerant gas, which was renamed
Freon, led to drastic changes in the United States. The current patterns
of food production, distribution, and consumption are a direct
result, as is air conditioning. Air conditioning was developed early
in the twentieth century; by the late 1970’s, most American cars and
residences were equipped with air conditioning, and other countries
with hot climates followed suit. Consequently, major relocations
of populations and businesses have become possible. Since
World War II, there have been steady migrations to the “Sun Belt,”
the states spanning the United States from southeast to southwest,
because air conditioners have made these areas much more livable.
Freon is a member of a family of chemicals called “chlorofluorocarbons.”
In addition to refrigeration, it is also used as a propellant
in aerosols and in the production of polystyrene plastics. In 1974,
scientists began to suspect that chlorofluorocarbons, when released
into the air, might have a serious effect on the environment. They
speculated that the compounds might migrate into the stratosphere,
where they could be decomposed by the intense ultraviolet light
from the sunlight that is prevented from reaching the earth’s surface
by the thin but vital layer of ozone in the stratosphere. In the process,
large amounts of the ozone layer might also be destroyed—
letting in the dangerous ultraviolet light. In addition to possible climatic
effects, the resulting increase in ultraviolet light reaching the
earth’s surface would raise the incidence of skin cancers. As a result,
chemical manufacturers are trying to develop alternative refrigerant
gases that will not harm the ozone layer.
Radio interferometer
The invention: An astronomical instrument that combines multiple
radio telescopes into a single system that makes possible the
exploration of distant space.
The people behind the invention:
Sir Martin Ryle (1918-1984), an English astronomer
Karl Jansky (1905-1950), an American radio engineer
Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (1918- ), a Dutch radio
Harold Irving Ewan (1922- ), an American astrophysicist
Edward Mills Purcell (1912-1997), an American physicist
Seeing with Radio
Since the early 1600’s, astronomers have relied on optical telescopes
for viewing stellar objects. Optical telescopes detect the
visible light from stars, galaxies, quasars, and other astronomical
objects. Throughout the late twentieth century, astronomers developed
more powerful optical telescopes for peering deeper into the
cosmos and viewing objects located hundreds of millions of lightyears
away from the earth.
In 1933, Karl Jansky, an American radio engineer with Bell Telephone
Laboratories, constructed a radio antenna receiver for locating
sources of telephone interference. Jansky discovered a daily radio
burst that he was able to trace to the center of the Milky Way
galaxy. In 1935, Grote Reber, another American radio engineer, followed
up Jansky’s work with the construction of the first dishshaped
“radio” telescope. Reber used his 9-meter-diameter radio
telescope to repeat Jansky’s experiments and to locate other radio
sources in space. He was able to map precisely the locations of various
radio sources in space, some of which later were identified as
galaxies and quasars.
Following World War II (that is, after 1945), radio astronomy
blossomed with the help of surplus radar equipment. Radio astronomy
tries to locate objects in space by picking up the radio waves that they emit. In 1944, the Dutch astronomer Hendrik Christoffel
van de Hulst had proposed that hydrogen atoms emit radio waves
with a 21-centimeter wavelength. Because hydrogen is the most
abundant element in the universe, van de Hulst’s discovery had explained
the nature of extraterrestrial radio waves. His theory later
was confirmed by the American radio astronomers Harold Irving
Ewen and Edward Mills Purcell of Harvard University.
By coupling the newly invented computer technology with radio
telescopes, astronomers were able to generate a radio image of a star
almost identical to the star’s optical image. Amajor advantage of radio
telescopes over optical telescopes is the ability of radio telescopes
to detect extraterrestrial radio emissions day or night, as well as their
ability to bypass the cosmic dust that dims or blocks visible light.
More with Less
After 1945, major research groups were formed in England, Australia,
and The Netherlands. Sir Martin Ryle was head of the Mullard
Radio Astronomy Observatory of the Cavendish Laboratory,
University of Cambridge. He had worked with radar for the Telecommunications
Research Establishment during World War II.
The radio telescopes developed by Ryle and other astronomers
operate on the same basic principle as satellite television receivers.
A constant stream of radio waves strikes the parabolic-shaped reflector
dish, which aims all the radio waves at a focusing point
above the dish. The focusing point directs the concentrated radio
beam to the center of the dish, where it is sent to a radio receiver,
then an amplifier, and finally to a chart recorder or computer.
With large-diameter radio telescopes, astronomers can locate
stars and galaxies that cannot be seen with optical telescopes. This
ability to detect more distant objects is called “resolution.” Like
optical telescopes, large-diameter radio telescopes have better resolution
than smaller ones. Very large radio telescopes were constructed
in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s (Jodrell Bank, England;
Green Bank, West Virginia; Arecibo, Puerto Rico). Instead of just
building larger radio telescopes to achieve greater resolution, however,
Ryle developed a method called “interferometry.” In Ryle’s
method, a computer is used to combine the incoming radio waves of two or more movable radio telescopes pointed at the same stellar
Suppose that one had a 30-meter-diameter radio telescope. Its radio
wave-collecting area would be limited to its diameter. If a second
identical 30-meter-diameter radio telescope was linked with
the first, then one would have an interferometer. The two radio telescopes
would point exactly at the same stellar object, and the radio
emissions from this object captured by the two telescopes would be
combined by computer to produce a higher-resolution image. If the
two radio telescopes were located 1.6 kilometers apart, then their
combined resolution would be equivalent to that of a single radio
telescope dish 1.6 kilometers in diameter.
Ryle constructed the first true radio telescope interferometer at
the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1955. He used combinations
of radio telescopes to produce interferometers containing
about twelve radio receivers. Ryle’s interferometer greatly improved
radio telescope resolution for detecting stellar radio sources, mapping
the locations of stars and galaxies, assisting in the discovery of “quasars” (quasi-stellar radio sources), measuring the earth’s rotation
around the Sun, and measuring the motion of the solar system
through space.
Following Ryle’s discovery, interferometers were constructed at
radio astronomy observatories throughout the world. The United
States established the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
in rural Green Bank, West Virginia. The NRAO is operated by nine
eastern universities and is funded by the National Science Foundation.
At Green Bank, a three-telescope interferometer was constructed,
with each radio telescope having a 26-meter-diameter
dish. During the late 1970’s, theNRAOconstructed the largest radio
interferometer in the world, the Very Large Array (VLA). The VLA,
located approximately 80 kilometers west of Socorro, New Mexico,
consists of twenty-seven 25-meter-diameter radio telescopes linked
by a supercomputer. The VLA has a resolution equivalent to that of
a single radio telescope 32 kilometers in diameter.
Even larger radio telescope interferometers can be created with
a technique known as “very long baseline interferometry” (VLBI).
VLBI has been used to construct a radio telescope having an effective
diameter of several thousand kilometers. Such an arrangement
involves the precise synchronization of radio telescopes located
in several different parts of the world. Supernova 1987A in
the Large Magellanic Cloud was studied using a VLBI arrangement
between observatories located in Australia, South America,
and South Africa.
Launching radio telescopes into orbit and linking them with
ground-based radio telescopes could produce a radio telescope
whose effective diameter would be larger than that of the earth.
Such instruments will enable astronomers to map the distribution
of galaxies, quasars, and other cosmic objects, to understand the
origin and evolution of the universe, and possibly to detect meaningful
radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.
Radio crystal sets
The invention: The first primitive radio receivers, crystal sets led
to the development of the modern radio.
The people behind the invention:
H. H. Dunwoody (1842-1933), an American inventor
Sir John A. Fleming (1849-1945), a British scientist-inventor
Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857-1894), a German physicist
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), an Italian engineer-inventor
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), a Scottish physicist
Greenleaf W. Pickard (1877-1956), an American inventor
From Morse Code to Music
In the 1860’s, James Clerk Maxwell demonstrated that electricity
and light had electromagnetic and wave properties. The conceptualization
of electromagnetic waves led Maxwell to propose that
such waves, made by an electrical discharge, would eventually be
sent long distances through space and used for communication
purposes. Then, near the end of the nineteenth century, the technology
that produced and transmitted the needed Hertzian (or radio)
waves was devised by Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, Guglielmo Marconi
(inventor of the wireless telegraph), and many others. The resultant
radio broadcasts, however, were limited to the dots and
dashes of the Morse code.
Then, in 1901, H. H. Dunwoody and Greenleaf W. Pickard invented
the crystal set. Crystal sets were the first radio receivers
that made it possible to hear music and the many other types of
now-familiar radio programs. In addition, the simple construction
of the crystal set enabled countless amateur radio enthusiasts
to build “wireless receivers” (the name for early radios) and
to modify them. Although, except as curiosities, crystal sets were
long ago replaced by more effective radios, they are where it all
Crystals, Diodes, Transistors, and Chips
Radio broadcasting works by means of electromagnetic radio
waves, which are low-energy cousins of light waves. All electromagnetic
waves have characteristic vibration frequencies and wavelengths.
This article will deal mostly with long radio waves of frequencies
from 550 to 1,600 kilocycles (kilohertz), which can be seen
on amplitude-modulation (AM) radio dials. Frequency-modulation
(FM), shortwave, and microwave radio transmission use higherenergy
radio frequencies.
The broadcasting of radio programs begins with the conversion
of sound to electrical impulses by means of microphones. Then, radio
transmitters turn the electrical impulses into radio waves that
are broadcast together with higher-energy carrier waves. The combined
waves travel at the speed of light to listeners. Listeners hear
radio programs by using radio receivers that pick up broadcast
waves through antenna wires and reverse the steps used in broadcasting.
This is done by converting those waves to electrical impulses
and then into sound waves. The two main types of radio
broadcasting are AM and FM, which allow the selection (modulation)
of the power (amplitude) or energy (frequency) of the broadcast
The crystal set radio receiver of Dunwoody and Pickard had
many shortcomings. These led to the major modifications that produced
modern radios. Crystal sets, however, began the radio industry
and fostered its development. Today, it is possible to purchase
somewhat modified forms of crystal sets, as curiosity items. All
crystal sets, original or modern versions, are crudeAMradio receivers
that are composed of four components: an antenna wire, a crystal
detector, a tuning circuit, and a headphone or loudspeaker.
Antenna wires (aerials) pick up radio waves broadcast by external
sources. Originally simple wires, today’s aerials are made to
work better by means of insulation and grounding. The crystal detector
of a crystal set is a mineral crystal that allows radio waves to
be selected (tuned). The original detectors were crystals of a leadsulfur
mineral, galena. Later, other minerals (such as silicon and carborundum)
were also found to work. The tuning circuit is composed
of 80 to 100 turns of insulated wire, wound on a 0.33-inch support. Some surprising supports used in homemade tuning circuits
include cardboard toilet-paper-roll centers and Quaker Oats
cereal boxes. When realism is desired in collector crystal sets, the
coil is usually connected to a wire probe selector called a “cat’s
whisker.” In some such crystal sets, a condenser (capacitor) and additional
components are used to extend the range of tunable signals.
Headphones convert chosen radio signals to sound waves that are
heard by only one listener. If desired, loudspeakers can be used to
enable a roomful of listeners to hear chosen programs.
An interesting characteristic of the crystal set is the fact that its
operation does not require an external power supply. Offsetting
this are its short reception range and a great difficulty in tuning or
maintaining tuned-in radio signals. The short range of these radio
receivers led to, among other things, the use of power supplies
(house current or batteries) in more sophisticated radios. Modern
solutions to tuning problems include using manufactured diode
vacuum tubes to replace crystal detectors, which are a kind of natural
diode. The first manufactured diodes, used in later crystal sets
and other radios, were invented by John Ambrose Fleming, a colleague
of Marconi’s. Other modifications of crystal sets that led to
more sophisticated modern radios include more powerful aerials,
better circuits, and vacuum tubes. Then came miniaturization,
which was made possible by the use of transistors and silicon chips.
The impact of the invention of crystal sets is almost incalculable,
since they began the modern radio industry. These early radio receivers
enabled countless radio enthusiasts to build radios, to receive radio
messages, and to become interested in developing radio communication
systems. Crystal sets can be viewed as having spawned all
the variant modern radios. These include boom boxes and other portable
radios; navigational radios used in ships and supersonic jet
airplanes; and the shortwave, microwave, and satellite networks
used in the various aspects of modern communication.
The later miniaturization of radios and the development of sophisticated
radio system components (for example, transistors
and silicon chips) set the stage for both television and computers.
Certainly, if one tried to assess the ultimate impact of crystal sets by
simply counting the number of modern radios in the United States,
one would find that few Americans more than ten years old own
fewer than two radios. Typically, one of these is run by house electric
current and the other is a portable set that is carried almost everywhere.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The invention: The first radio transmissions of music and voice
laid the basis for the modern radio and television industries.
The people behind the invention:
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), an Italian physicist and
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (1866-1932), an American radio
True Radio
The first major experimenter in the United States to work with
wireless radio was Reginald Aubrey Fessenden. This transplanted
Canadian was a skilled, self-made scientist, but unlike American inventor
Thomas Alva Edison, he lacked the business skills to gain the
full credit and wealth that such pathbreaking work might have merited.
Guglielmo Marconi, in contrast, is most often remembered as
the person who invented wireless (as opposed to telegraphic) radio.
There was a great difference between the contributions of Marconi
and Fessenden. Marconi limited himself to experiments with
radio telegraphy; that is, he sought to send through the air messages
that were currently being sent by wire—signals consisting of dots
and dashes. Fessenden sought to perfect radio telephony, or voice
communication by wireless transmission. Fessenden thus pioneered
the essential precursor of modern radio broadcasting.
At the beginning
of the twentieth century, Fessenden spent much time and energy
publicizing his experiments, thus promoting interest in the
new science of radio broadcasting.
Fessenden began his career as an inventor while working for the
U.S. Weather Bureau. He set out to invent a radio system by which
to broadcast weather forecasts to users on land and at sea. Fessenden
believed that his technique of using continuous waves in the
radio frequency range (rather than interrupted waves Marconi had
used to produce the dots and dashes of Morse code) would provide
the power necessary to carry Morse telegraph code yet be effective
enough to handle voice communication. He would turn out to be
correct. He conducted experiments as early as 1900 at Rock Point,
Maryland, about 80 kilometers south ofWashington, D.C., and registered
his first patent in the area of radio research in 1902.
Fame and Glory
In 1900, Fessenden asked the General Electric Company to produce
a high-speed generator of alternating current—or alternator—
to use as the basis of his radio transmitter. This proved to be the first
major request for wireless radio apparatus that could project voices
and music. It took the engineers three years to design and deliver
the alternator. Meanwhile, Fessenden worked on an improved radio
receiver. To fund his experiments, Fessenden aroused the interest
of financial backers, who put up one million dollars to create the
National Electric Signalling Company in 1902.
Fessenden, along with a small group of handpicked scientists,
worked at Brant Rock on the Massachusetts coast south of Boston.
Working outside the corporate system, Fessenden sought fame and
glory based on his own work, rather than on something owned by a
corporate patron.
Fessenden’s moment of glory came on December 24, 1906, with
the first announced broadcast of his radio telephone. Using an ordinary
telephone microphone and his special alternator to generate
the necessary radio energy, Fessenden alerted ships up and down
the Atlantic coast with his wireless telegraph and arranged for
newspaper reporters to listen in from New York City. Fessenden
made himself the center of the show. He played the violin, sang,
and read from the Bible. Anticipating what would become standard
practice fifty years later, Fessenden also transmitted the sounds of a
phonograph recording. He ended his first broadcast by wishing those
listening “a Merry Christmas.” A similar, equally well-publicized
demonstration came on December 31.
Although Fessenden was skilled at drawing attention to his invention
and must be credited, among others, as one of the engineering
founders of the principles of radio, he was far less skilled at
making money with his experiments, and thus his long-term impact
was limited. The National Electric Signalling Company had a fine
beginning and for a time was a supplier of equipment to the United
Fruit Company. The financial panic of 1907, however, wiped out an
opportunity to sell the Fessenden patents—at a vast profit—to a corporate
giant, the American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation.
Had there been more receiving equipment available and in place,
a massive audience could have heard Fessenden’s first broadcast.
He had the correct idea, even to the point of playing a crude phonograph
record. Yet Fessenden, Marconi, and their rivals were unable
to establish a regular series of broadcasts. Their “stations” were experimental
and promotional.
It took the stresses of World War I to encourage broader use of
wireless radio based on Fessenden’s experiments. Suddenly, communicating
from ship to ship or from a ship to shore became a frequent
matter of life or death. Generating publicity was no longer
necessary. Governments fought over crucial patent rights. The Radio
Corporation of America (RCA) pooled vital knowledge. Ultimately,
RCA came to acquire the Fessenden patents. Radio broadcasting
commenced, and the radio industry, with its multiple uses
for mass communication, was off and running.
Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi failed his entrance examinations to the
University of Bologna in 1894. He had a weak educational background,
particularly in science, but he was not about to let
that—or his father’s disapproval—stop him after he conceived
a deep interest in wireless telegraphy during his teenage years.
Marconi was born in 1874 to a wealthy Italian landowner
and an Irish whiskey distiller’s daughter and grew up both in
Italy and England. His parents provided tutors for
him, but he and his brother often accompanied their
mother, a socialite, on extensive travels. He acquired
considerable social skills, easy self-confidence, and
determination from the experience.
Thus, when he failed his exams, he simply tried another
route for his ambitions. He and his mother persuaded
a science professor to let Marconi use a university
laboratory unofficially. His father thought it a
waste of time. However, he changed his mind when
his son succeeded in building equipment that could
transmit electronic signals around their house without wires, an
achievement right at the vanguard of technology.
Now supported by his father’s money, Marconi and his
brother built an elaborate set of equipment—including an oscillator,
coherer, galvanometer, and antennas—that they hoped
would send a signal outside over a long distance. His brother
walked off a mile and a half, out of sight, with the galvanometer
and a rifle. When the galvanometer moved, indicating a signal
had arrived from the oscillator, he fired the rifle to let Marconi
know he had succeeded. The incident is widely cited as the first
radio transmission.
Marconi went on to send signals over greater and greater
distances. He patented a tuner to permit transmissions at specific
frequencies, and he started theWireless Telegraph and Signal
Company to bring his inventions to the public; its American
branch was the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). He not
only grew wealthy at a young age; he also was awarded half of
the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work. He died in Rome
in 1937, one of the most famous inventors in the world.
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